
10 Trendy eco friendly dresses

Recycled fashion doesn’t mean sacrificing comfort, style and sophistication. The designers all over the world are adopting recycling, repurposing and renewing mantra and trying to crate stunning lines of clothes. These recycled dresses have been crafted

Future Perfect: Using the sun to cool your home

What’s Happening Right Now?In the summer months , as the temperatures begin to rise, the use of air-conditioning also rises. This leads to surges in energy demand that the utilities find difficult to handle. In April 2006, for example, there were rolling

Seiko unveils ‘Hybrid’ series of PV-powered wristwatches

Eco Factor: Wristwatches powered by exposed photovoltaic cells.

Seiko Watch Corp has announced the developed of a new “Hybrid” series of environmentally friendly wristwatches that are powered by onboard solar panels. The watches will be…


Eco Tech: Septic tank water to be recycled for gardening!

Eco Factor: High-Tech Septic tank to provide recycled water for our lawns.

The scarcity of fresh water has tempted designers and companies all over the world to develop some conventional and some not-so-conventional ways to reuse the water we keep.

Just Soaps: Good for earth, Good for your skin!

Natural products are the latest craze these days. Soaps that are chemical free and those that use natural ingredients are becoming popular as they are mild on the skin and are non-allergic. Commercial soaps cause the skin to dry as they use chemicals.

Just Soaps
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