Eco Friend Popular

Eco friendly concept computers for green computing in the future

Technology advancements are known to make what was new today appear obsolete tomorrow. Developments in the field of Information Technology are today happening so fast that computers come into the market and are soon rendered a piece of junk as well. This

Solar-powered clamshell PC might urbanize rural India

The good, the bad and the ugly about hydroelectricity


Today power
generation capacity is spinning at a fast pace as the demand for power and
electricity across globe is increasing year on year over crossing the supply.
To meet with these uncontrollable demands, conventional methods of power


DIY Vertical Axis wind turbine designs and much more

Statistical figures say wind power (providing 2.5 percent of total electricity) has reached an all time high worldwide consumption with 197 GW capacity and 430 TWh of total energy production. Now, for comparison’s sake the combined capacity of wind facili

DIY Vertical Axis wind turbine design

Guide to set up solar powered generators for home use

Pollution levels have reached an all time high as more factories and plants dot our landscape. Factories aren’t the only places that need to change their mode of operations, however; residential houses also need to contribute to lowering the pollution l

Household solar generator system

Energy efficient skyscraper concepts from around the world

The high buildings with many stories that can be seen standing towering around the urban cities of the world are called skyscrapers. When such tall buildings are built making use of eco friendly methods, they are referred as green skyscrapers or green bui

Products and concepts that harvest water from the air

Every life form present on this blue planet needs water for survival. That’s the reason we see environmentalists over the world encouraging individuals to save every drop, as those precious drops might be what someone is desperately in need for. Since m


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about Vertical Farming

Vertical farming can be described as a contemporary concept (first proposed as recently as in 1999) which is actually a defining amalgamation of urban and rural fabric of life. It calls for commercially viable crops to be cultivated and grown inside..

about Vertical Farming

Examples of sustainable architecture for the future

The current world scenario demands sustainable and Eco-friendly architecture so that we, the citizens of the world, can benefit from them in the future. With similar thoughts, certain architectural designs have been created that stand out as wonderf

Project Eco Link

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about electric aviation

Airplanes tend to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to an addition in global warming causes. Moreover, it requires large amount of fuel to fly. But what if electricity is used in place of fuel to power the plane? Though, they…

Pipistrel Taurus G4
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