Solar Power Guide

Researchers develop solar cells thinner than spider silk

A team of Austrian and Japanese researchers have announced that they’ve succeeded in creating micro thin solar cells that are thinner than the strand of spider silk. The revolutionary thin film device consists of electrodes on plastic foil and measures

Brazil to turn 2014 World Cup green by using solar energy

Roofing of sports arenas is an ideal place to implant solar cells to produce large amount of power. The energy gathered can be used to power up the dressing rooms, corridors and even the floodlights of the stadiums. The Brazilian government is working tow

Pvilion sets up first ever Solar Sail charging station

Owning a solar powered car is well and good considering the eco friendly aspects but what is really needed are solar charging stations. In order to EVs to be truly viable, sufficient recharging areas need to be set up. The lack of stations is one of the m

Designer conceptualizes self sustaining Rubix bus shelter

We’ve covered many inspiring stories revolving around solar power over the past several months. All minds behind the projects all share one common aspect; to think and go green. It is this belief that has fueled awareness among the masses about the impo

Qatar addresses water scarcity through solar power

Qatar’s problem of water scarcity is increasing every day. The country’s water consumption is stated to be one of the highest in the world at approximately 310 liters per person each day. In view of the scarcity, the government and the Qatar Environme

Solar-powered boats to sail clean on blue waters

Solar energy seems to be getting on the minds of the designers who are always looking for ways to use this abundant energy to power vehicles. We’ve seen designers come up with sustainable cars and buses that are powered by renewable solar energy for a t

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