When we compare them to many other electronic devices, modern computers don’t need that much energy. However, since we nowadays use them for a considerably long period of time, this little adds up to too much. Furthermore, we also discard these more frequently when compared to other electronics, which, in turn, also adds up to electric waste. We need a sustainable solution that addresses both. Although recycling electronics addresses many of those problems something like Green Computing might bring significant change.
Green computing is an emerging trend. Nevertheless, some of the popular hardware firms like Dell have already entered the business. Let us check out 15 sustainable concept computers that define this trend.
20+ Sustainable concept computers for green computing in the future
1. O Project by Dell:
For the start don’t be misled by the name. This PC concept called the O Project. It is designed by Luis Luna (and not by Dell) has a host of eco-friendly features. Not only is its skin composed of polymers got from bamboo and cornstarch biodegradable. However, its other components too can be returned to the manufacturer for recycling when the model gets obsolete.
2. Biodegradable Desktop computer from Dell Computing contest:
This flat computer also is known as Froot. It is designed by Mexican Paulina Carols and was unveiled at the Dell Regeneration Green Computing technology Contest. The USP of this computer available in four natural colors is that it is made entirely of bio-products. Ergonomically designed using high-end laser projection technology and with onboard CD drives. This wonder doesn’t need peripherals such as a monitor or keyboard as it is projected on the floor. Furthermore, its body is carved from bio decomposable starch-based polymer. In fact, all this not just gives it to a unique look but also facilitates being recycled. The electrical parts can be returned to the manufacturing firm when obsolete. No doubt, a great gadget for techies to “go natural”.
3. Solar laptop concept by Nikola Knezevic:
Designed by Nikola Knezevic, the solar laptop no doubt looks weird but makes absolute sense from the green viewpoint. Contrived to utilize solar energy, this laptop has attached to its top half a solar panel. This can be folded out to catch sunlight irrespective of whether the laptop is in its open or closed position. This solar panel would thus help harness solar energy. Therefore, it ensures a fully topped up battery pack and a saving on the electricity bill.
4. Environmentally Friendly EVO PC Concept:
Made from environmentally sustainable materials the EVO PC is one of the best alternatives for achieving a smaller carbon footprint. It would be wise changing your current internet provider to a more “greener” provider also helps to lower your carbon footprints. And sometimes a new provider will even get you more internet speed which you can test with tools like Speedcheck.
It is much better when compared to those got from the traditional PC. It basically consists of two parts – the EVO Base Unit and the EVO Client module. Moreover, the EVO PC is a virtual computer with all upgrades, support and maintenance happening on a remote server. The EVO Base Unit houses connectors to peripherals, network functioning, and power. However, the EVO Client module which is 99 percent smaller in volume than a typical EVO client houses a low power processor PC board, flash memory, RAM, circular EVO clocking connector and wireless cords.
This PC designed with the prime objective of being able to meet all major environmental issues. In addition, the EVO client also has 96 percent less mass than a typical desktop PC. Furthermore, the EVO PC concept cuts down on energy, materials, and packaging required. It does so for the basic production and transport of a PC to the end-user as well.
5. Flux PC Eco-Friendly Computing System:
For today’s generation which wants everything handy and minimal; and yet eco-friendly, the Flux PC concept is the best alternative. This concept has a fresh design where the input and the storage devices are squashed, flexible and stylish. The concept is designed around a portable display that interfaces with a wearable bracelet holding the necessary digital information.
The display assists in up-scale viewing. It integrates a large screen area and multimedia devices. Furthermore, it also helps interface wirelessly with other computers if need be. While the display with a core touch screen is designed using environmentally friendly resources thereby making it economical, the bracelet is a customized delicate creation.
6. Lawn PC is a green computing concept:
Designer David Veldkamp after his green Peugeot 1008 Lean concept vehicle has now come up with another environmentally friendly concept. The Lawn PC. Designed basically to generate and run on its own harnessed power. Moreover, this PC doesn’t require energy from fossil fuels to power it. Furthermore, it has in its design recyclable grass blades with circuits and solar cells. These are incorporated to help harness power, which can, therefore, save almost 876 KWh power per year.
This Lawn, as the power generating unit is called, is modular in design and has 3” by 3” squares. Therefore, the CPU can anytime be detached from it when obsolete and sent for recycling and/or decomposition. Also, while the new upgraded Lawn compatible model arrives, the existing Lawn can be connected to iPod docking stations or other electronics thereby conserving power. Another positive of this PC is that it also does not emit any harmful greenhouse gases when in operation. No doubt – a “Go Green” effort at its best!
7. Igglu modular PC concept makes upgrading simple and clean
Designed to reduce e-waste and make the regular chore of customizing and upgrading computers easy as and when technology advances, the Igglu Modular PC concept involves easy component removal and replacement with a better model using an online account in addition to maximizing resource and energy efficiency. Designed from standard reusable and recyclable products the high performance modules of this PC concept, such as the optical drives, PCI drives, graphic cards, RAM and hard drives are color coded and easily swappable. Also, when swapped the old modules are reused in budget services by the company or in other cases recycled.
8. Compaq EOS sustainable desktop encourages recycling by easing disassembly
Designed for the HP brand by Cody Stonerock this sustainable computer is low cost as well as has minimal carbon footprint. Offering basic computing power, this computer’s assembly advocates snap fitting instead of using extra fasteners, thereby making it easy for parts to be replaced or repaired as they can be singularly shipped. Moreover, this also encourages partial recycling as and when required. Furthermore designed to consume less desk-space, this desktop has magnetic keyboard mounts on the monitor’s rear. For decreasing the use of power, the mouse can be recharged at a built-in USB port. HP in a bid to encourage recycling also offers a take back policy in addition to using biodegradable bio-resins and aluminum within its assembly.
9. ‘Bento’ solar-powered concept computing
Designed by US based Rene Lee, Bento is a modular and solar powered computing system with features of a smartphone, tablet computer and notebook, all rolled into one. This sustainable computing device with integrated solar panels to charge the inbuilt lithium ion battery features a 15 inch OLED screen (more than enough for a tablet) and a smart-phone in addition to a 1 TB hard drive. What makes bento – the three in one package attractive is that the tablet and smartphone can be disengaged and used independently when the battery is fully charged.
10. Lifebook Leaf multipurpose laptop concept
One of the latest environmental friendly tech developments, the Lifebook Leaf is a concept laptop whose design in all likelihood will revamp the laptop industry. Based on solar power, this computer has a thin OLED touchscreen which can be folded like a laptop or spread out flat.
So much for the design quotient, the exterior is made of a shatterproof and optically sensitive polycarbonate that also doubles within itself a solar cell which can be charged when the Lifebook Leaf is folded open and placed upside down. Additionally it also has an OLED panel at the back to alert the user for messages if any received during charging. For communication, this laptop also has a 4G module.
11. Ecofriendly desktop computer that never becomes obsolete
Loop, a system designed for Dell by Jocko Chan is a desktop computer that can be recycled and whose technology is obsolete-proof. Available online, this compact system has no screws within its inside which therefore minimizes waste and saves space. With exteriors made of plastic lumber and matte white plastic, the exterior of this system is very thin as its design is inspired from that of cactus leaves. The unique design not only aids the computer to merge harmoniously with the home furniture but also offers sufficient space for heat dissipation.
12. Power Flower PC concept for a green geek
Designed to resemble daisies rising up in the sky, the Power Flower PC is a complete computer that was listed in the top five final entries at the Design ReGeneration competition. Drawing power from a hydrogen fuel cell, which has been created by resting the white base of the CPU and the power supply into a green field that is mounted atop a water container this computer is free of any other additional power sources, physical sockets, peripherals or cables.
Other features of this hi-tech PC include a camera to capture gestures and movements of the user in addition to a face camera which has a microphone and a speaker, thus eliminating the need of a keyboard or mouse. Monitor is also done away with as a small display device projects images on any available nearby surface. With other basic features such as wi-fi and Bluetooth, the Power Flower PC boasts of also recycling water as it generates power for itself.
13. Avant-grade tablet styled computer keeps e-waste at bay
Designed by Wataru Watanabe, the Clear computer concept is a project that is environmentally sustainable with facility for upgrading features and other miscellaneous hardware thereby reducing e-waste and overall consumption. Facilitated with an OLED display with stylus input, this concept minimizes the need of peripherals rendering this computer handy and portable. A leather hinge renders protection to this unique portable tablet.
13. Recyclable paper laptop for green computing
Made from pulp materials and recycled paper packed in layers, this unique concept laptop has been designed by Je Sung Park. Considering its unique design and modeling concept, this computer is definitely recyclable as well as easily upgradeable.
14. Napkin PC – ‘Green’ computer to encourage group interaction
Consisting of several Napkin modules which has lent the computer concept its very name, this system developed by Avery has a base station for interface control and a Pen for giving out commands. The result is therefore a high speed RF wireless connection which encourages group interaction as branching out gets easy. The availability of multiple interfaces on this system renders multi tasking easier as well.
With a multi touch input that responds both to the Pen as well as the human hand as well as a OLED status display on the front, the Napkin PC however has numerous components which are bound to need replacement more often. Considering this, the designer has added an inductive circuit for powering this PC and which is easy to recycle. So much for the ecofriendliness, the designer has supplemented the design quotient by designing the base station like a napkin holder.
15. Solar-powered clamshell PC might urbanize rural India
Designed for rural India, this mini PC concept from Yogesh has a small LCD screen that can roll out of the main body. Christened “Mitra”, meaning friend, this solar powered mini PC has facilities for providing online help to the farmers. For those wanting to give presentations the PC also has a built-in LED projector. With wi-fi connectivity and onboard storage battery that can be charged using its solar panels or a hand crank this PC is not just green but is also capable of revolutionizing rural India.
16. IMEC laptop
This unique laptop can be easily powered using just two solar cells and encourages people to understand the importance of solar energy or alternative energy. This prototype laptop has been designed by industrial designer Jan Leyssens and runs completely on solar energy. It is popularly known as the “IMEC Meets Howest” computer and combines the mobility feature of the laptop with solar cells capable of generating renewable energy.
17. Luce solar-powered laptop concept
This concept laptop, which has been created by industrial designer Andrea Ponti is powered using renewable solar energy only. The main aim of the makers of this system is to design a laptop using polycarbonate and incorporate two solar panels in it that are capable of generating electricity for the laptop. While the top portion of the laptop comes installed with one of the PV (photovoltaic) panels, the second is positioned under the transparent touch-keyboard and helps in ensuring that the laptop remains charged throughout the day.
18. Flower Power PC Concept
Allen Ginsberg would have never imagined the term that he coined, being used by a concept PC of the 21st century. Yet, that is what has happened with the Flower Power PC Concept being named thus. The Flower Power PC is actually a hydrogen fuel cell powered CPU that has a couple of projectors and a camera, all shaped in the form of flowers. One flower projects images onto the wall acting as the monitor and the other beams down a keyboard onto a flat surface.
The projected keyboard uses gesture sensing which is picked up by the other flower, in which lies the camera. All these flowers in conjunction work seamlessly to deliver a green computing experience san the pesky wires we’re usually used to. The Flower Power PC Concept is a terrific, symbolic concept which might soon become a reality given the rapid pace at which technology is progressing.
19. Mitra Solar PC
Many parts of the developing world, like rural India, face a severe scarcity of electricity. It is this fact which has inspired Indian designer Yogesh to come up with a brilliant dual power clamshell PC concept called the Mitra. The Mitra PC sits in the form of a cylinder which opens up in the form of a clamshell to feature a keyboard and an LCD monitor. The Mitra, when not in use, can tap solar energy as its outer body is lined with solar cells.
The Mitra can also be hand cranked to provide it with power when the sun decides to go for a little vacation behind the clouds. This computer concept manages to cram in Wi-Fi, a USB port and even a projector for presentations. Impressive would be a mild word to describe this truly outstanding concept. Incidentally, Mitra means friend in Hindi. We’re pretty sure that the Mitra would find more than a few friends in the Indian hinterlands.
20. Evolve Laptop Computer Concept
Plug and play is the predominant theme on which the Evolve computer concept is based on. All the components of the Evolve laptop computer can be plugged in and out depending on the user’s needs. This laptop computer predictably uses recyclable materials in its construction with the difference lying in the way it is powered.
Instead of relying on conventional lithium-ion batteries or electricity from the wall socket, the Evolve uses a LEES Capacitor Battery for a continual source of frugal electricity generated by chemical reactions. Designed by Vas Obeyesekere of Point Innovations, the Evolve uses a solid state hard drive which lasts longer and uses less power than standard hard drives. The Evolve’s body too is made up of corn-based PLA with PCB board made from keratin fibers and soy epoxy. The screen also gets OLED treatment in a bid make it more energy efficient and easier to mass produce. Practical yet green, that is the Evolve Laptop Computer Concept for you.
21. Clear Computer Tablet Concept
Japanese designer Wataru Watanabe has set out to design a computer concept with a clear design parameter: To reduce e-waste to the maximum extent possible. He has actually pulled it off quite magnificently through his Clear Computer Concept. This tablet computer concept uses a low power OLED display that conserves power while having an extended service life. Since the OLED works as a touchscreen, keyboards and other peripherals too can be eliminated. The designer has also used an open modular design with the option of changeable system and optical drive bay covers when a new system or module with different features and ports is installed. The slavish attention to detail doesn’t even leave the hinges alone. Instead of conventional hinges, a leather hinge makes sure that recycling is taken care of by mother nature. Now, that is a tablet PC that abhors any kind of e-waste.
Final Words
Technology advancements are known to make what was new today appear obsolete tomorrow. Developments in the field of Information Technology are today happening extremely fast. In fact, the computers come into the market and are soon rendered a piece of junk as well. This has therefore given rise to a new field of computing known as Green Computing.
Green computing encourages the use of environmentally sustainable computers and accessories. During usage and disposal, these causes minimal or no harm to the environment. Also referred to as Green IT, this technology aims to increase energy efficiency. Furthermore, this reduces the use of hazardous chemicals in hardware designing. These, in turn when disposed or recycled do not harm the environment.