Search Results for: bike



Social media will power the LikeBike

We all have seen how powerfully the social media keeps us under its grip. It’s a new god to so many of us and presumably it possesses supernatural powers. No wonder, when we tell you that now social media will power a bicycle, you won’t jump off your

Db RevO wheel makes any bike run on electricity

Well, imagine of converting your pedaled bicycle to an electric one with just a wheel change. Doesn’t it sound great? Indeed, the Taiwan bike maker DK City has brought this into reality. Its electric motor-mounted Db RevO front wheel can make your regul

PEVo an efficient electric bike by Pulse Motors

Electric vehicles may not be hype around the world but according to Micah Toll,a mechanical engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh, electric vehicle are going to be popular as they are facing the same situation as the computers faced in 1970.

OnCycle electric bike blends electric power with stylish looks

Every day we all see plenty of electric bikes out in the streets, and it is needless to mention, they are ideal for city transportation. Generally, people fail to identify these eco friendly electronic bikes from others because most of them lack a disting

G-Bike: A user friendly ‘bi-functional’ bike

It was only in the case of Bimoped that we were talking about the importance of collective functionality of city based vehicles. Moving along those same user defined lines, industrial designer, Dongwan Jo has conceived his vehicular ‘G-Bike’ (Gymnastic Ci

Urban women can go green with Velo Chic compact bike

According to statistics in America women comprise of only 25 percent of the total bicycle riders. One of the reasons for this is the lack of bicycles on the market that focus on this niche, and provide a viable and comfortable product to its clientele. “V

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