We all have seen how powerfully the social media keeps us under its grip. It’s a new god to so many of us and presumably it possesses supernatural powers. No wonder, when we tell you that now social media will power a bicycle, you won’t jump off your chair, but will simply gorge the fact down and ask for something that is beyond your imagination. Fortunately, for us, this is exemplary of a new form of clean technology and hence we are here to discuss the LikeBike and how it will be powered by social media.
If you are a cycle enthusiast, you have probably heard about the Cape Argus Pick and Pay Cycle Tour. But, for those of you oblivious about it- it is an annual cycling event and in fact the third largest sporting event hosted by South Africa. To be held on 11th March, 2012, this year, the highlight of the event is the LikeBike.
This bike will be ridden by TV presenter Lizel van der Westhuizen and the exciting part is that ‘likes’ on the Pick and Pay facebook pages will fuel the bike to cover the winning distance of 110 kilometers. 1 click will equal 10 meters and it has been decided that for every 10 kilometers that Liezel will get, Pick and Pay will donate 1 bicycle to the Life Cycle Academy, Velokhaya.
For Liezel’s communicative convenience, the bike will feature an iPod powered by a dynamo and she can engage with people through a specially designed LikeBike app. We wish Liezel good luck for the upcoming event and hope readers of the post will support the cause.