
Repurposed vinyl record portraits of iconic musicians

Gone are the days of turntables and vinyl LPs. This present time is all about iPods and digital music. Of course, our parents still get nostalgic about the old times when they were fond of having great collections of these vintage records, but we’ve mov

Alicia Martin creates incredible torrent of book installations

Artistic inspirations depend on the artists themselves. What serves as one’s muse may not work for another. This is probably why we see so many forms of art. Paintings and sculptures are the two that are the most common but they don’t complete the lis

Stunning 3D sculptures made out of worn out books

Old books that have no use for us usually end up dusting away in storehouses for years together. But contemporary artist Guy Laramee has a different conception about paper. For more than 30 years now, he has been creating marvelous 3D sculptors out of boo

Most fascinating living wall designs

If you thought that the only way to ornament walls was either pasting them with classy wallpaper or caking the surface with paint, then it’s time you consider draping them with plants and vegetation. A green wall will not only lend a fresh feel to the w

Eye catching lamps made from used coffee filters

Most of us enjoy drinking coffee, sometimes to satisfy the craving and mainly because we just want to. However, while making coffee we don’t usually think about products like coffee filters, which are discarded after a few uses, and coffee stirrers, which

Star Wars TIE Fighter replica crafted from plywood and cardboard

If you are not a devoted Star Wars fan, it can sometimes be hard for you to understand the passion that comes attached with it. You see people camping for a couple of days to buy memorabilia and collectibles that for most others would mean absolutely noth

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