Old books that have no use for us usually end up dusting away in storehouses for years together. But contemporary artist Guy Laramee has a different conception about paper. For more than 30 years now, he has been creating marvelous 3D sculptors out of books. His work mainly comprises of romantic landscapes with stunning mountains, glaciers, plateaus, valleys, etc.
Guy has been an interdisciplinary artist and has experience working as a stage writer, music composer, singer, sculptor, painter and the list certainly goes on.
For creating sculptures, first of all books are pressed with the help of clamps. According to Laramee this makes the books as hard as wood and therefore his sculptors last for a long time. He uses all the standard electric tools used for carving on wood, along with sand blaster, tar, etc. For every piece of art he creates, he uses a varying technique and giving details about them is not possible as Laramee prefers keeping that secretive.
What you can make out from his paintings is that what seems to appear as simple and easy is in reality intricate and complex, and, therefore not many of us can replicate what Laramee does. Among all his works, the most outstanding are ‘The Great Wall’, ‘The Cloud of Unknowing’, ‘The Wreck of Hope’, etc.
Via: Gooddesign