Eco DIY Guide

Eco friendly DIY kitchen cabinets

Consumerism is the key to a successful business today. With the changing buying patterns and increasing awareness about environment friendly option available in the market, the time has come where everyone wants a customized product to suit their individu

How to make your own DIY solar panels

Renewable energy sources like solar power are a good option to cut the soaring energy bills. Solar power helps in both cutting the utility bills and reducing your carbon footprint. Solar power is generated through solar panels, which form part of the phot

DIY Tiling: A way to build tiles for your home’s flooring

Concrete tiles are excellent options for your house flooring or walkways as alternatives to the conventional porcelain or clay tiles. You can easily design and make concrete tiles at home by following some simply steps. You can apply mosaic effect, multip

Simple DIY recycled jewelry projects

We all love to wear jewelry but jewelry bought from stores can leave many hazardous impacts on our mother nature. Materials used to produce ornaments might pose various environmental threats and can leave carbon footprints. Moreover, shipping these orname

Coolest eco friendly DIY lamps you can easily make

Most of the everyday items that we use find their place into landfills where they are a potential environment and health hazard. So what can be more ecofriendly than reusing plastic bags, bottles, shoes, furniture anything you can think of, the list is en

Reclaimed wood planter box with multicolor chevron pattern

The coming of spring means every place will become lush with bright colors. And for adding a bit of personal color, Seth and Desiree created little planter boxes with chevron pattern for planting their avocado. This DIY project proved a bit tedious for th

Old dresser repurposed into a mini garden

Furniture adds glamour to your house but once it gets old it loses it worth. Although any kind of furniture can be reused by transforming it into some innovative design but generally it is replaced. Now for example look at this old dresser, which had been

Grow healthier vegetables and fruits in a DIY greenhouse

Are you fond of gardening but still don’t have ample space in your backyard for pursuing it? Well, the better way to deal with this problem is by constructing a DIY greenhouse that will economize on space and let you enjoy the benefits of fresh vegetabl

Most amazing replicas that bring life to wood

Wooden creations are catching everyone’s fancy nowadays. Considering the fact that wood is carbon neutral and can be molded into any desired shape, enthusiasts are making out-of-the-box creations by using wood. An outstanding example of such artworks is

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