Eco DIY Guide

Eco friendly moon jars make for exotic lighting

Didn’t you ever wish you could store moonlight or sunlight in a jar? Sounds absurd? Maybe, but that wish can be fulfilled by acquiring a Moon Jar or Sun Jar. The same way you store jam in a jam jar, these moon and sun jars store sunlight. Inside the jar

Green Gifts: Best eco friendly DIY gifts

Those, familiar with the art of gifting, will know that nothing wins the heart of a person more than gifting something that you have made on your own. That shows love and commitment and adds that personal touch which makes the gift very special. It is not

How to build a passive solar heater

Convection solar heater comes in handy and can be built easily in your home. Not only can this device be constructed economically at home, it will help to save up in the long run as well. Freely available solar energy is used to run the gadget, which will

How to build a solar heater with recycled cans

Although we have witnessed different yet not so eco friendly mediums to generate heat for the home, adopting the route to building a solar heater out of pop cans may sound even more productive. Utilizing recycled cans for the formation of an efficiently d

How to build a solar powered camera to broadcast live videos

Have you ever given a thought what the remote surveillance scenario would be like if it is all running with renewable energy? It is indeed everyone’s dream. Many things seriously need the self-powering facility. One of those are camera both the CC and w

How to build solar powered gate openers

The automatic main gates are a big menace, as they are needed to be connected to the home outlet all the time. They need a lot of wiring and underground digging. However, the most worrying fact is the ability of the gate control to short circuit the who

How to make a solar powered fountain

A solar power fountain runs on the solar power in spite of those that run on electricity with standard mechanism. Instead it gets the solar energy from the rays coming from the sun and store them in the cells of solar panel in the form of electric energy

Building a solar powered food dehydrator

The goodness of a solar food dehydrator is being
identified by people with increasing concern for healthy living and easy access
to unavailable food at all times. Solar power enters by means of the glass top
of a timber dehydrator box. Then the food is

How to build a solar bike light using a deodorant stick

Solar energy is the energy of the future and you could use it in many ways at home. With the assistance of an old, discarded deodorant stick, a solar light and some creativity, you could create your own solar powered bike light. This DIY project is easy a

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