
Eco friendly pexiglass sheets as a greener alternative

Plexiglas sheets, otherwise known as Polycarbonate, are translucent, frivolous, Eco-friendly sheets which can withstand any type of weather conditions. It is commonly available in hardware stores across the globe. Plexiglas sheets are durable and can end

Innovative planters for your window sills

The one area that many people forget about or ignore are the window sills. Bare window sills give a boring, drab and tired look to any home. Although, people do try to decorate it, they do it so by putting up some mediocre show pieces which further deteri

Simple ways to complement roof construction with sustainability

There are many ways to complement the construction of roof with sustainability. Rain water harvesting is one of the most appreciated modern ways to make a normal roof top sustainable. The rain water recycle with a syringe is low cost solution that harvest

Sustainable housing solutions to tide across calamities

Natural disasters strike without warning and it pays to be prepared for the same. Apart from causing death and destruction, natural disasters displace large swathes of human population. Where do these people go and how will they be housed? Addressing this

Best bathroom fittings designed to conserve water

Clean water is precious and its wastage can lead to depletion of this valuable liquid. Bathroom is one area where people not only use, but waste a lot of water every single day. To curb such carelessness, designers are coming up with smart bathroom acce

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