Practical And Easy Earth Day Party Ideas 

Earth Day Party Ideas 

Earth Day is celebrated all over the world on the 22nd of April with the intention of bringing about anawareness related to current world health conditions. Plastic pollution is an increasing issue all over the world, and the theme of 2018 Earth Day is, hence, plastic pollution. You can base your Earth Day party ideas around this theme too.

However, many people yet don’t know the importance of Earth Day and the significance that it carries. Which is why, it is important that they are educated regarding the same by party activity ideas for Earth Day, so that they can understand the purpose behind it and carry it forward to others as well.

Earth Day party ideas:

partyThe best way to bring about an awareness of Earth Day is to host a party. There cannot be a more memorable and fun way of learning about such an important issue than by getting together and having fun whilst learning.

Given below are a few Earth Day party ideas to celebrate the spirit of Earth Day. These are party activity ideas for Earth Day to make it not only quite a success, but also make you a favorite among kids and adults equally!

Sending out eco-friendly invites:


One of the best Earth Day party ideas is to send out eco-friendly invites. Instead of e-mails or phone calls, resort to becoming old school by using recycled paper or handwritten letters.

Make sure that everything that goes into the making of your invites for party activity ideas for Earth Day is in Earth’s favour so that you send out a good and effective non-verbal message to your guests through your actions.

Using colors and designs in line with the time of your party and the current Earth Day theme will also help quite generously.

Using recycled party decoration:

its cheap

Globes made of paper or cardboard instead of plastic and wall decorations of paper in place of glitter and beads will all be very advantageous for party activity ideas for Earth Day in terms of eco-friendliness and also will cost you the least financial investment to prepare.

Also, you can introduce fun party games for Earth Day party ideas like Earth Day party decoration on the lines of planting trees or preparing gifts for each other using all nature-friendly goods and colors. An outdoor Earth Day party on this theme will be a big hit!

Keep your snacks in favor of the Earth’s health:

home party

Instead of resorting to processed or readymade fast food and junk food, feed your guests healthy home-made food. If not, then make sure that your food travels a minimum amount of area before reaching your table.

The longer your food travels, the more carbon footprint it leaves in its wake, which is completely contrary to the purpose of Earth Day. Better still, ask your guests to make something they are good at and get it to the party so that everyone else can also have a ball enjoying different cuisines.

This option of Earth Day party decoration and snacks will not only keep your party packed with joy, but also they will help the nature around you.

Give out eco-friendly return gifts:

return gifts

The purpose of the Earth Day party decoration is to educate people about the current challenges the world is facing as a whole and what can be done to address them.

So, it is nothing but a wise idea to let your guests leave with a token of remembrance of the entire celebration that will stay with them and remind them of the purpose of the celebration.

Some of a few good return gift ideas are fancy handmade cloth or paper bags, funky bracelets, flower pots for planting, and eco-friendly wall decorations. Make sure your return gifts are practical, useful, and eco-friendly too. 


Remember that, even though we have taken up the challenge of improving the Earth’s biosphere, there is still a long way to go before we achieve that status. There are many more issues that need to be resolved before we start expecting visible and apparent results.

However, little initiatives like Earth Day party decorations at an individual level are great in educating not just kids but also adults as well so that they know the importance of keeping the Earth green. Earth Day can only be well celebrated and given its due importance by parties like these, and they must be fully encouraged and participated in.

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