Although you should refrain from consumption of animal products, but still if you cannot avoid it then make it a point that you always use poultry and meat products from organic farms. You should prefer and support farms that raise animals with good care. Choosing poultry and meat products from an organic farm is a good and a healthy choice for you and your family. Following points explain why organic farms are over factory farms. Have a look:
No antibiotics, added hormones, GMO feed and other drugs; no GMO animals
Animals that are raised in organic farms are not given any antibiotics, rBGH (bovine human growth hormone), or any other non-natural drugs. No modified foods are given to the animals and the certified organic foods cannot have their genes merged. In such farms, the animals are raised in a healthy environment where they are fed on organic feed and no animal is a test tube animal.
More humane, ethical treatment of animals
Unlike the factory farms where animals get a ruthless treatment, the organic farms take good care of the animals. They have proper sized shelters and cages to keep animals, which is in sheer contrast to the factory farms where animals are squeezed inside tiny cages. Moreover, the organic farms have huge tracts of lands where animals can graze.
Mad cow safeguard
In most of the factory farms, cattle are forced to eat the ground up remains of same species, which leads to bovine spongiform encephalopathy. A deadly disease destroys central nervous system and brain. If human beings consume the meat of such animals then they can get the disease called Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. Therefore, you should consume meat and poultry of animals from organic farms because 100% organic feed is given and they are not forced to eat the remains of their dead partners in the farm.
Small organic farms use natural manure to fertilize soil, and the factory farms use chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. Organic farms use the dung to make natural fertilizers and do not use the chemical ones that are extremely harmful. The diet that animals are fed upon is natural; therefore, the dung is also natural. For instance, a hog farm in North Carolina produces 10 million metric tons of waste, which is then converted into fertilizer.
Summary: All you non-vegetarians follow the aforementioned tips and keep yourself from the dangers that crop because of unhealthy poultry products.