Green tips to throw an eco friendly party

Everyone likes to party. It may be a morning event or an evening one, there is nothing better than a party to celebrate a special occasion. We seldom realize how much it pollutes and destroys the environment, taking into account the number of parties going on at the same time around the world. A lot of waste is spawned out of which 90 percent is non biodegradable. Energy used to cook the food, sound of loud music, plastic gift wrappers, etc. are rarely good for the environment.


Avoid use of paper for invitation cards. Make use of electronic invitations, like send and e-mail invitation, which can be more attractive than usual cards available in the market. This will save money that you would have otherwise spent on cards. Even if you want to send physical card invites to people, you should go for the ones made form tree free fibers, like banana leaves, which can later be recycled.


Use plates and glasses made out of recyclable materials. Use bamboo sticks instead of disposable glass. Also you can make use of reusable glassware, which not only looks stylish, but is also gentle on the environment.


Incorporate your menu with food, which is cultivated in local areas. It is good for health and will also impress your guests letting them know how health conscious you are. Say no to foods, which had to cover a distance of thousands of miles to reach the market area.


We all know how beautiful nature is, and yet, not many of us think of decorating our houses with natural objects, like leaves, etc. You can make use of branches fallen from trees near your house to use them for cocktails. Different colored potted leaves and herbs or mint add a completely unique theme to your party ambiance.

Reduce trash generated

We all know there are so many gifts we get at parties that only consume space in our store room or we end up gifting them to others. So have a big heart and donate all such stuff to a charity or a person in need, this way one feels good and you also get rid of unwanted gift collections. Also the use of plastic caps , etc, should be avoided.


Opt for LED lights, beeswax etc. to light up your party the healthy way. Use of paraffin candles can produce certain gases, which are bad for health. Using natural and less expensive lights can also be substituted. Solar lights is another useful option as they charge with the help of sunrays and glows up your party at night, saving power without harming the environment.

Energy Conservation

Use as less electricity as possible to light your party. Even if lighting is important to you then go for candles or oil lamps, which do not require direct electricity. Light a small bonfire if you are organizing an evening party. During summers it is better to keep the party timings in the evening to avoid use of ACs and in winter it is better to go for a daytime event.

Have It At Home

Having a party in your backyard will be better since you can plan an eco friendly party by manipulating all options at your disposal.

Label your rubbish bins

Keep in mind to label the recyclable waste dustbins that you will place at different places in your party, people do care to throw waste in place if they are guided by labels properly.

Indoor versus outdoor setting

Choosing between an indoor and outdoor party can essentially make a difference to how eco friendly it will be . Depending on the type of weather, one should decide between indoors and outdoors. In summers, keep your parties outdoors, which will prove a good electricity saver, as the use of AC’s, fans, etc. can be avoided. In winters, have indoor parties and use fire place to get your cold party heated.

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