With prices of electricity rising every other month, it is high time that we should take measures to cut the usage of electricity. One of the best way to do this install energy monitor in our homes. These days there are several kinds of energy monitors available in the market which we can use to keep our electricity usage under check. This festive you can also gift these energy monitors to your loved ones. Here is a list of seven best energy monitors available in market.
1. Ecosaver energy meter
Price: $17.54
Manufacturer: Ecosaver
This energy meter record and displays the electricity cost. This meter can be used to measures voltage (V), watts, Amps (A), Hertz (Hz) and total running time. It also measures the price charge of the unit with total charge and total KW. This plug and play design meter has got a LCD screen. The dimensions of this meter are 7 x 14 x 3.5cm. This handy meter is very user friendly and it is regarded as one of the most accurate meter available in the market.
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2. Current Cost TREC energy monitor
Price: $38.84
Manufacturer: Uswitch
This energy monitor with TREC monitor model features 433mhz SRD band receiver. The dimensions of this product are 80mm x 92mm x 25mm. This monitor features 10 sensor coding recognition channels. It features a mini transmitter. The life of the replaceable battery used in this monitor is 4 years and its rated energy source is European 230VaC 50hz. The current sensitivity of the sensor is 50ma.
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3. Black & Decker EM100B energy saver series power monitor
Price: $46.50
Manufacturer: Black & Decker
Available in black & orange color, this energy monitor is powered by batteries. This monitor tracks the consumption of energy minute by minute. This energy monitor is easy to install because it is completely wireless. The energy usage is displayed in kilowatts and dollars. The sensor used in this monitor is weatherproof and wireless. This indoor monitor comes with 2-year warranty. The design of this monitor is compact and it is easy to carry.
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4. Efergy Elite wireless energy-saving meter
Price: $46.63
Manufacturer: Maplin
This energy-saving meter calculates and monitors your energy usage and also stores data. This meter can be installed easily. All you need to do is to connect the sensor and transmitter to electricity meter. The usage is displayed in Pounds, Euros and Dollars. This meter can store data for two years. The frequency of this meter is 433.92MHz and the sensor’s measuring voltage is 110V – 400V. This meter features a portable display as well as a wireless transmitter. The range of this easy to connect meter is around 40m. It is three phase and economy 7 compatible.
Buy Now: Maplin
5. OWL CM119 wireless electricity monitor
Price: $54.32
Manufacturer: OWL
This energy monitor is easily to install because it is wireless. This user friendly monitor features a LCD display screen, which allows the user to read the data easily. The alarm system of this monitor starts beeping when the consumption of electricity exceeds a pre-set limit. Besides this, this monitor also displays the quantity of greenhouse gases generated by your power usage.
Buy Now: Johnlewis
6. TED the energy detective electricity monitor TED1001 with footprints software
Price: $164.94
Manufacturer: TED
This energy monitor is little advanced than many of its counterparts because it features footprints data-logging software. This monitor records data of every second and it has high accuracy. This monitor logs the data in .CSV format and you can export the data to create a chart. The data is logged in KW, kWh, dollars and voltage. This monitor also displays greenhouse gas emissions due to your power usage.
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7. Wattson 01 home energy monitor
Price: $233.13
Manufacturer: Wattson
This personal energy monitor is highly modern and advanced featuring clock and ability for detailed energy readings. This monitor is regarded by many as the best available in market. This easy to install monitor shows real-time energy usage. You can view historical data using this monitor and plan your power usage. This monitor can measure single, twin and three phase systems. It features LED digital display. The 433.92Mhz transmitter of this monitor works well up to 30m. The refresh rate is 3 – 20 second and the battery life of sensor is around 6 months.
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