Employing Cover Blubber to reduce plastic waste

It has always been a problem when you have to refrigerate a half cut watermelon, you require plastic sheets in large volumes to cover it, even the peas that you need to cover, uses plastic sheets for refrigeration, similarly the meat, and more, all this amounts to a huge lot of plastic waste produced by you solely. Just imagine about the total amount of plastic waste that is actually produced each day. Yes, did you feel those shudders?If you did, then it is now time to cut down on producing plastic waste, by adopting the use of cover blubbers by fusionbrands.

The eco friendly alternative to plastic sheets

Cover Blubber 3

Cover blubber is an eco friendly alternative by fusion brands. It is one great alternative to plastic wraps. It is made of StickyRubber, which is safe for use. You can rightly call it a super stretchy food saver. This ingenious food storage solution saves you from the hassle of storing and wrapping food in those thin, unhealthy plastic sheets

The best part about cover blubber is that you can place it directly on the food, or even on the containers of various shapes and sizes. It stretches and clings to the food or containers and is airtight. On a larger level, it also helps you reduce your carbon footprints effectively. Therefore, no more of producing of plastic sheet waste from your homes.

Positives of the cover blubber over other storage solutions

Cover Blubber 2

Cover blubber offers a number of good points in comparison to plastic wrap sheets and other storage solutions. Let us have a closer look to them:

  • Cover blubber are reusable
  • Eco friendly replacement of unhealthy plastic wraps
  • Safe for use, does not have ill effects on health
  • Can be use for storing all types of foods
  • Fits to all containers of variant shapes
  • Seals airtight onto the container

Color and size coding of cover blubber

Cover Blubber 4

Small Fuchsia set- this is a set of two and fits up to three inches/ eight centimeters

Medium Green set –set of two that fits up to five inches and twelve centimeters

Large Blue set – this fits up to seven inches and seventeen centimeters

Extra large purple- this fits up to twelve inches and thirty centimeters

This variety in cover blubber helps make it all the more popular amongst the masses, and contributes in increased sustainable living.


Cover blubber by fusionbrands is an eco friendly innovation to plastic warps that helps make storing foods easier and in more healthy manners.

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