Eco-Friendly Facials for That Natural Glow

With global warming on the rise people are coming up with newer ways to save the environment and our planet, every single day. One such new eco friendly trend is eco-friendly facials. It is said that presentation is key. Well now individuals especially women are indulging in being presentable by getting these green facials. Facials help tighten the skin, they moisturize from within the pores after they have penetrated and cleansed the pores, they help make the skin soft and supple. Utilizing the right kind of facials depending on one’s skin type helps in achieving flawless skin and a beautiful glowing complexion.  Facials help reduce oiliness or dryness of the skin. The best feature of facials is that they make skin firm and delay the ageing process they also help in reduction of wrinkles.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Facials

Eco friendly or green facials give the user all the benefits of the traditional facial that consists of chemicals, artificial skin softeners and sometimes harsh cleansers, but without being harsh on the skin and without using chemicals. Although these chemicals and synthesized skin softeners and cleansers benefit the skin over time due to their prolonged use skin becomes lifeless and it becomes very hard to treat such skin. A surgical face lift might be the only option left. On the other hand green facials are not only environmental friendly but they are also extremely skin friendly. These green facials are very pocket friendly as well. There are excellent spas that will do these green facials for you, but one need not pay spas or other beauty salons as a wide variety of green facials can be done at home at a fraction of the price. But if one likes being pampered he or she should make an appointment for a facial in a well known and reliable spa. To achieve all the benefits of the traditional facial you just need a few vegetables, fruits and other edible items like instant oatmeal and plain yogurt. Now you can do your own facial in the comforts of your home.


A few benefits of using green facials are listed below:

  • They are extremely skin friendly along with being pocket friendly.
  • There will be no adverse side effects or long term side effects.
  • Their chemical free and synthesized softeners and cleanser free formula helps repair and rejuvenate skin in a gentle way.
  • The leave your skin sweet smelling and splendidly fragrant.
  • Fruits and vegetables and other edibles from your kitchen can be used for even better results.
  • You can do it on your own, so you don’t have to pay anybody for their services. You decide at what time you want to get a facial and give yourself one. No need to cancel any commitments that you have.
  • Fume free formulas let you breathe easily during the facial and also help you release stress and tension.
  • Treats your skin to delay ageing and that too in an all natural, easy, affordable and effective way.
  • Green facials make your skin feel as well as look better which results in boosting your confidence.

A Great Green Facial Recipe

Eco-friendly facials consist of all natural ingredients and have no side effect whatsoever. One such green facial recipe is given below:

Edible items you will need for this facial are:

  • A papaya
  • Two avocadoes
  •  A cup of instant oatmeal
  • A cucumber
  • Plain yogurt

Avocado on white

To make this green facial you have to first mash the avocadoes, make a paste by combining yogurt and instant oatmeal, peel the cucumber and slice it and peel the papaya, dice it and then mash it. Make a smooth paste out off all these and apply on your face and neck, rinse off after 30 minutes.


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