Airlines, Hotels, Cars Grow More Eco-Friendly

The issues of climate change along with other environmental issues like pollution and other damages are seizing the world at large with many issues related to planet earth. Mother Nature is in danger and with her are other plants, animal and even the smallest and rarest species in the world. Each segment of the market today in each country is trying to launch a new eco-friendly product in the market that will suit the changing tastes of the consumer at large. You and me now today that the concern about the environment  is rising and looking at the way competitors are making their mark with added eco-friendly products they are simultaneously creating awareness too which will make the market even more stronger. What affects each country the most of the fact that their tourism should be affected. The tourism which comprises of airlines, hotels, car usage etc. decides their tourism fate and thus they need to make their products in this segment more competitive.



Nowadays, you will notice more and more airlines offering fuel efficient deals, clean fuel deals and other equipment upgrades in their airline fleet as well as the smaller details that reach the consumer. Tickets are now online, paper is not wasted, on flight caterers offer paper friendly food bags etc. This ought to happen as the airline use immense amount of fuel and their disregard for the environment over other caring airlines could kill their market. Starting from the on-flight water glasses to the smaller details like luggage tags don’t use plastic, give a close look next time, you will see the difference, now and then!



Cars are the most commonly used modes of transport. Nowadays, with so much completion in the car market more and more cars are becoming green. Greener fuel technologies in fuel technology and car technology are the new rave which is needed. Smaller green cars are entering the market and due their affordability they are now easily being purchased. This has added more vehicles on the road. Thus, eco-friendly fuel and cars are now the only selling items in the automobile space.


Tourism is guided heavily by hotels. If everything including travel and logistics are going green they why will accommodation givers stay behind? Hotels too are picking pace and adopting greener and more eco-conscious ways and means of operation. Smaller and developing countries have started a adopting the green ways in smaller ways with bathroom toiletries, paper laundry bags etc., while on the other hand developing countries are stronger and can afford to invest more in green technologies thereby adding more to their ecosystem value chain through their services. For e.g. take the Palazzo hotel in Las Vegas, it is believed to be one of the most environmentally friendly hotels in the world. The way the hotels use the electricity, the electrical they use and the energy saving devise in operation make all the difference to the way a hotel. Some niche hotels also use organic cotton towels and napkins. Thus, the kind of green steps that a hotel takes depends on the budget of the hotel.


Thus, not matter what industry, whether automobiles, transport or tourism, each of them are now trying to woo their customers by offering not only cutting edge technology but greener solutions that will leave a lesser dent on the environment. By doing this, the companies are not only helping the environment but also assisting the customer to get aware of the situation by making him take part in the same initiative, a great thing to do when things are still in our control!

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