Top Eco Companies

7 Greatest Eco-friendly Companies

Most of the important corporations in the world agree that it is not just an option to become environmentally responsible in recent times, it is a must. Even retail companies who carry on most of their business online have begun to make larger investments towards managing their affairs in as green a way as possible. Apparently, there are a few specific companies that take the lead in terms of keeping their negative impact on the environment to a bare minimum.ย  These companies are worthy of high praise from the point of view of an environmentalist for keeping tabs on the manner in which their actions have an impact on the ecosystem. They strive to do as less damage as possible to the natural world.

Green Trinity: Nike, Yahoo & Adobe

Nike, the popular sportswear manufacturer, continues to maintain its image in public as an extremely environmentally responsible brand, ready to spare absolutely no amount of effort in order to give back to the ecology. The company has made it a point to go green in all aspects, not just limited to its products and services. The headquarters of the Brand Nike, located in the Netherlands and Belgium, run completely on the energy generated from renewable resources. The company is also actively involved in keeping track and continuously improving on its usage of water and carbon emissions.

Second on the list of the top seven green companies is Yahoo, a company devoted both to the encouragement of the public to become more involved in helping the environment through the method of using the information found on the website of the company, and steps adopted to make eco-friendly decisions by itself. At present, the majority of the data centres of the company make use of sources of renewable energy in order to proceed with the routine of daily life, and the development plans of the company for the near future include the construction of new data centres in those regions of the world where the climate permits for not using AC to remain cool.

Adobe happens to be rather interested in dealing effectively with the waste accumulated through its product packaging and its office construction operations. The ideal example for being proactively involved in the protection of the ecosystem is the fact that one particular headquarter of the company, centred in San Jose, California, boasts of employees who are involved deeply in the process of composting and recycling.

Runner-Up Companies in the Green Race

Intel occupies the fourth spot in the list of companies focused on going against the production of toxins and waste by intense recycling activities along with looking for greener substitutes for harmful matters. Additionally, the electronics giant also appears to be a huge fan of alternative energy since almost 50% of their demand in this specific field is handled by making use of renewable options.

Dell is famous in the list of green companies for the steps taken by the company to reduce the gas emissions by about 40% until the year 2015. Dell has effectively manufactured new computer models using recycled plastic.

Kohlโ€™s Department Stores manages to obtain 100% of its electricity from renewable resources such as small scale hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass. This makes sense from both an environmental and business perspective. Kohlโ€™s displays its commitment to becoming a major eco-friendly retailer. The company makes investments in RECs and boasts of long-term purchase agreements for power to buy the solar power produced from panels installed in more than 100 of Kohlโ€™s stores.

Wal-Mart rounds off the seventh spot with solar panels on the roofs of several stores in the California region and usually purchases its solar power from a third party.

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