Suspended window planters for cramped urban living

Urban areas are known for being notoriously cramped with little space for anything other than the necessities of life. It can be especially annoying for those with green thumbs who’re unable to do what they do best. Sure, indoor plants serve their purpose but considering the lack of space, how do you fit in several pots? Besides, plants need sunlight and indoor spaces don’t really provide for much. Thanks to window planters, urban home owners can get in some gardening without bothering about the lack of space. Paris-based design firm Barreau&Charbonnet has created a drawbridge-type hanging garden that can be mounted against a windowsill and pulled back up when necessary.

Window Planters Waste No Space

Called the Volet Végétal, the planter is designed to suit urban living with its contemporary design and easy installation. And if you think that the whole process of moving it from a vertical to a horizontal position would be messy, it isn’t, as the boxers are placed in frames that can pivot on fulcrums. So whether it’s in a vertical position or horizontal, the plants won’t spill water and create a mess. If the weather acts up and gets stormy, just remove the unit and take it inside.

What users will have to keep in mind is that Volet Végétal may not be suitable for large plants. They could get too heavy which means you’ll have replant them elsewhere or they could get damaged when pivoting the unit inside. However, it does give people desiring to grow small plants and flowers a chance to do the same.

Such thoughtful inventions aim to add some greenery to concrete spaces that are starved for nature. It’s efforts like these that give urban citizens something natural to look forward to after being subjected to hours of plain and dull concrete. They could also act as horticulture therapy for those who need it.

Via: Earth911

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