Going green is beneficial in many ways. Reducing pollution and contributing to it is not as easy as it seems. The synthetic lifestyle does increase your weight along with the other issues it comes with, followed by your failed attempts to lose it. Losing weight is a tedious process which gets difficult with every kilo you put on.
Moreover, losing weight the healthy way is a challenge. Crash dieting is never an option if you want to shed those extra kilos and keep it that way. Here are a few effective ways by which going green can definitely catalyze your weight-loss process, and will help you keep it up in the long run:
Get physical:
Take up physical activity whenever situation permits. Don’t look out for motor rides for short distances, instead walk them. Take the stairs in place of an elevator. Prefer doing your work by hand yourself than hiring help or other pollution-causing devices. Other than these, work out on a regular basis. Consult a dietician to design your diet-plan and move strictly according to it. Keeping up with these habits regularly will bring down your weight and improve your health to a great extent.
Workout in the open:
Gymming instruments, though all fancy and up-to-date, can never match up to the pure comfort and advantage of working out in the open under the sun. Be it jogging or cycling, prefer the open over the confining yourself to a small room. Also, the fresh open air will help you sweat out better, bringing down your weight considerably. You can choose to bike or walk your distances so that you don’t have to exclusively set aside time to work out. This will even reduce your contribution to air
Switch to a vegetarian diet:
The non-veg food contains more carbs and calories than needed by your body in the process of losing weight. Switch to a vegan diet and see yourself shedding those extra pounds in no time. Also, going vegetarian significantly reduces your carbon footprint too. Veggies and nuts are known for their slimming effects, and therefore you must make the best use of it especially when you need them.
Prefer organic foods:
Organic foods are a serious requirement nowadays. Our health is going downhill due to the continuous intake of junk and processed foods. Sort out your priorities and rely on organic food only. Purchase your vegetables from local nearby farms instead of the exported ones form the supermarkets. If situation permits, you can even grow your own vegetables in your backyard. Also, have seasonal fruits more often than the non-seasonal ones. Remember that the more your food travels to come to you, the higher will be its cost, and worse will be the impact on your body weight.
Unwind on weekends:
Use weekends, or any days of the week, to refresh and unwind yourself after the intense work week, and prepare yourself better for the coming one. During this time, say no to screens and gadgets. Simply go out and relax in the open. You can work out or thrill yourself with exciting sports and adventures. This is a good time to swim, go trekking, hiking or camping. Run a marathon or join a cycling club. Do what suits you best, but stay away from work and stress. This practice will keep you happy and cause you to shed more weight than you can imagine.
Rely on home-cooked meals:
As mentioned before, growing your own food can be of much benefit than buying inorganic and processed foods. In the same manner, depend more on your home cooked meals than eating out. You can customize the nutrients in your meal as per your physical condition, which is not possible when eating out. Junk and processed food are full of calories and carbs which is far from what you require to aid in your weight-loss spree.
The above-mentioned methods are not all when it comes to shedding the extra pounds off your body the green way. Going green does more benefit, both to your body and the environment, than you can contemplate. Losing weight is merely one of the many. Green also brings down your carbon footprint to a considerable extent wherein your contribution to improving the condition of the atmosphere touches its peak.