Future Perfect: Energy efficient data centers for greener computing

Energy efficient data centers

What’s happening right now?

The rising demand in the computing sector across organizations and the energy implications are under scanner these days. Data centers in USA rank at number 6 in their electricity consumption and the demand is further rising. It is a myth that computing equipment in offices uses the maximum amount of energy, but in reality it accounts for only 50 percent of it. Cooling consumes around 40 percent which constitutes air circulation, humidity control and heat rejection. The remaining 10 percent goes in lighting, etc. The main problem faced is when the cool and the warm air mix together due to which a lower set point has to be fixed.


1. Yahoo Energy-Efficient Data Center

Yahoo's Energy-Efficient Data Center

Yahoo has a sizable data center for the thousands of servers and computer systems occupying an area measuring 1, 55,000 square feet and it holds around 50,000 servers. This can almost convert the center into a sauna of overheating networks that will bear heavy demand on cooling. Yahoo wants to implement a green solution for cooling, although it can choose to use ACs but their high demand of energy and high carbon emissions make them repulsive for use. Yahoo’s data centre is accommodated in an area measuring 1, 55,000 square feet and it holds around 50,000 servers. It has been modeled after chicken coop that will ensure free circulation of natural air and will cut down 40 percent of the energy consumption. Unlike contemporary data centers that spend 40 percent energy on cooling, Yahoo uses only 1 percent of energy on cooling.

2. Syracuse University’s new data center

Syracuse university's green data center

The new data center planned by the Syracuse University will occupy 6000 square feet and will cost approximately $12.4 million. They aspire to cut the electricity consumption by 50 percent for this unit. Natural gas micro turbines will be used fuelling an onsite electrical co generation system. 100 percent energy will be generated using this system. An add-on benefit of this system is that the heat from the turbines will be used in double effect absorption chillers for the center’s chilled water requirement.

3. Facebook’s Energy Efficient Data Center

Facebook's  Energy Efficient Data Center

Facebook’s Prineville data center in Oregon is built to save 36 percent energy consumption and also it is 24 percent cheaper in comparison to other such ventures by Facebook. The power usage effectiveness ratio of this center is 1.07 while that of other facilities is around 1.5, which clearly indicated the energy efficiency levels. To promote and help organizations to replicate this model, Facebook will be releasing all mechanical as well as technical specifications in the form of open hardware.

4. Colocation America’s Data Centers

Colocation America's Data Centers

For the in-house data centers, Colocation America has implemented an energy efficient power strategy to curb down the environmental implications. The most trivial of things like sending e-mails to internal employees is another step to reduce the carbon footprint. The company makes sure it hires network engineers who connoisseurs in the art of setup, configuration and can well handle equipment with maximum efficiency.

The concept

The growing needs and size of the data centers in the US means that heavy power demands will be made, but big companies are determined to not increase the burden on power supply and also they aspire to develop solutions that would be environmental friendly. This can be done in multiple ways; firstly, they want to reduce the amount of energy required for cooling since that is extraneous and non productive. This can be done if natural cooling is available in plenty and even if the power requirements are high they want to set up systems that will use renewable energy resources and thus in house power, which is carbon free will power the data centers.

The advantages

Energy efficient data centers are so direly required, they are environmentally friendly and their working is well calculated, which will further help for making an analogy for other similar requirements. Firstly, they help to accurately measure your power usage; they are so designed for natural air circulation and optimal efficiency without the use of chillers or any such devices.

The impact

Every small step taken leads you closer to your destination, and taking bigger leaps is still better. Organizations like Facebook have realized they have a significant social significance and that moving towards green solutions is but the thing to do. These large business houses have become the trend setters and the impact is that all big and small business are likely to follow in their footsteps and collectively the power saved would make a substantial sustainable solution.

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