Do You Need to Be Strict to Raise an Eco-friendly Child?

Raise an Eco-friendly Child

If you have been an eco-friendly person and your child is now at an age to make their own decisions, you would want them to care for the planet too. You could teach by example, of course, or you could set down some strict rules for your child, ensuring that they do not veer off the eco-friendly path. This method might actually put them off, (or maybe not!) So how do you raise an eco-friendly child? Read how you can instill eco-friendly values along with some effective back to school tips.

 Do you need to be strict to raise an eco-friendly child?

You have to be strict with your child for certain things such as the use of phones too much. And you may even be thinking How Can I Monitor My Child’s Text Messages on iOS and Android?

There have been countless instances of children being bullied via text messages. One way of keeping children safe is being very strict and allowing very little phone time, but kids might get frustrated and become rebellious, as they might feel left out of their peer circles.

Similarly, if you want them to turn out to be responsible eco warriors, then perhaps you have to be firm but not a strict disciplinarian, and support and encourage their eco- friendly efforts. Here are a few things that you can do with them, to guide them to establish long lasting eco-friendly habits. 

1. Set a good example

children learn better from exampleRather than being told what to do, children learn better from example. You can help to ingrain the environment friendly mentality in your kids, by making sustainable choices. Choosing pesticide free or organic products, sustainably raised meat, avoiding plastic are some of the things which you can practice.

The whole family should get into the habit of carrying steel/glass water bottles, glasses and mugs, which would bring down the use of plastic in your home considerably. Spend time with your kids making reusable grocery bags from old clothes. You could involve their friends as well. 

2. Start your own pesticide free garden

A garden in your backyard would be a great idea, as it would get all of you in the sun, and boost your levels of vitamin D. You could grow vegetables and flowers, and have a bird feeder, bird bath and keep water for the birds. Interaction with birds and animals is a very enjoyable and relaxing experience, and brings children closer to nature. Children also learn to share food and water with the living beings around them. Establishing a bond with nature will help your children to care for nature and the planet, and thus become more eco-friendly. 

3. Swap books and toys

child-donating-toysInstead of buying new toys and books, consider swapping these things with neighbors, family and friends. Kids will be excited with different toys and read interesting books, and you would not have to spend either. Swapping teaches children about reusing as well as recycling. 

4. Visit museums and exhibits

To get your older kids interested in the environment, plan trips to the local museum or library where they can view exhibits or participate in workshops on the environment. When children see the images of beaches and oceans filled with litter and plastic, they may be moved to think how human waste is impacting the planet.

You can then explain about sustainable choices and how they can do this in their daily life, such as recycling, reusing and reducing. Participating in clean-up activities in the community would also help them understand how they can be proactive. So, you can raise eco-friendly kids without enforcing any strict rules!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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