Adding a touch of green by incorporating laminate countertops

Talking green is thankfully a great fad. But, do you feel sad at not being able to join the green brigade and make a statement, just because you are a homemaker? Well, you may throw away your worries, for you too can be a green champion. Let us take the case counter-tops, a place where you spend most of your time. You obviously want them to be beautiful, but now you may have them gorgeous as well as Eco-friendly. The markets are flooded with laminate counter-top options, being sold with an ‘Eco-friendly’ tag, however, you must not fall for just about any so-called eco-friendly laminate countertops.

So, before moving any further, let us get an insight into laminate countertops. These countertops make for a great choice when the budget is limited. Constructed from relatively low-quality plywood, chipboard core base wood laminated with a veneer, these countertops are actually green in the real sense. If you end up buying a poor-quality countertop, you always run the risk of damp seeping inside it, leaving it permanently warped and swollen. When it is about making a green choice, you must not cut corners and there are so many advantages of incorporating quality laminate countertops. They have a fantastic water resistant ability, which stops water seeping through. This also checks bacterial growth. Cleanliness is therefore assured in your kitchen area. Apart from this, the top most benefit of using a laminate countertop is the availability of postforming laminates, which are highly malleable and therefore have a one-piece finish. Due to this very reason, these countertops, apart from being a green option, cover the entire area, avoiding any water seepage. Well, that was just one of the options.

Laminate in any case is fun and affordable. It is easy to live with, apart from being amazed to look upon. Regardless of your budget or style, you shall definitely find a product to suit your requirement. Technology has grown on such an extent that you can easily get yourself a unique laminate countertop. These countertops are known for being low on maintenance. Those who do not have a laminate countertop, may see everything like; butter, tomato sauce, coffee, grape juice as an about-happen stain, you may safely relax for you have a laminate countertop. Going green could never be that easy and stylish, given the patterns and colours to choose from. You can bring home the green beauty of a laminate countertop at a price you can rejoice with. Also, you end up saving for other essential expenses, which otherwise would have been put on the backburner in the name of buying a countertop. A typical laminate countertop gives you the widest range of designs of any surfacing material.

Other advantages of a laminate countertop are that they are non-absorbent and shall not experience damage like stone or other materials. Laminate countertops are easy to clean, obviously until you pour harsh chemicals. By and large these were just a few of the advantages that make laminate countertops a favourite among those looking for a stylish yet greener home.

Points to Remember while going green with laminate countertops

•Avoid fitting laminate countertops near sinks as you always run the risk of water seeping inside the laminate leaving you with an ugly sight of a warped laminate with weird edges.

•When out for purchasing a laminate countertop, do not fall for a product on the basis of the sample shown to you, for that may be misleading. Best is to buy from stores which have mock up kitchens. You will then get to see before believing.

•In case you intend to install the laminate countertop yourself, ensure that you have the right type of equipment to complete the job. The choice of right substrate has to be immaculate for that would decide the life of your countertop. If you are jittery on the thought of doing it yourself, there is no point risking the look and feel of your home—it is prudent to have a qualified person do the needful to your satisfaction.

On a different note, it’s not strange for you to feel a little overawed when presented with the complete choice of eco-friendly options, however, you must not worry. Being eco-friendly is not an all-or-nothing scheme. Even a small green step is ultimately a green step. In any case with laminates, you have the best of both worlds as here utility and design come hand-in-hand under your roof. Your home gets the Mother Nature’s approval.

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