Active life demands that you wear the right kind of shoes. If you are an athlete, then shoes are more than necessary. The bad news is that most companies manufacture shoes without adhering to the rules of conserving nature. As a result, factories where shoes are made emit harmful toxins freely in the environment, polluting air, water, and the ground.
Only our consciousness and active participation can change the scenario. Not just the shoe factories but also the shoes can cause pollution. To begin with, consider changing the type of shoes you wear regularly. Changing your running pair can help in reducing your carbon footprint substantially. Some eco-conscious brands have launched amazing eco-friendly sports shoes and cleats.
What type of shoes should you purchase?
If you really want to cut down the amount of toxins emitted by your shoes, then chuck them out or donate them. Before you buy eco-friendly athletic shoes, you must understand the materials that are considered eco-friendly. Some brands like the Blackspot are using discarded and seemingly useless materials like car tires and hemp by recycling them. Shoes are also being made using vegan leather.
Shoe manufacturers are also focusing on building eco-friendly factories where fair trading policies are observed. The shoe manufacturers are trying to make sustainable shoes which sportsmen and athletes can wear with comfort. The new age sports shoes contour the shape of wearer’s feet so that they can move more flexibly. Many of the manufacturers sell shoes in 100% recycled packaging. This again supports the cause of conserving nature.
A brand named New Balance features shoes which have been made using PET bottles. Recycling plastic bottles for mass producing shoes is a great idea as it will help partially in reducing the landfill. Be choosey and find out as much as you can about the materials used for making eco-friendly shoes. Compare the prices and materials before you go on to purchase your ideal shoes. Natural shoes are being made by using unusual materials like sustainable wood, organic cotton, cork, bamboo, crepe and vegetable dyed leather.
What should you avoid?
Cotton is considered to be eco-friendly but the truth is quite different. While cultivating cotton commercially the farmers use some of the most dangerous and toxic pesticides. That’s why if you decide to buy cotton made shoes first make sure that only organic cotton has been used.
It isn’t quite difficult to switch to shoes that are environmentally friendly. Making the change not only helps with better shoes, but can also bring in better business policies.