7 Weird designs for green sheds


The green technology since its evolution has never turned back and is always appreciated. These days the green is the word everywhere. Now the green technology has moved into housing stuffs and these days the green sheds are a bit popular for their ultra-cool design and unique features.

These cool sheds are not like the traditional roof sheds but are more than what you would have imagined. These gorgeous sheds are equipped with latest technology and gadgets which mainly focuses on saving energy and in a way making our environment greener. There are various such sheds available in market but here is a list of weirdest designs for green sheds.

1. The roost

This super compact and cool designed shed is just 100 sq ft in dimension but what makes it special is the best use of this small shed and its awesome design. This shed is highly appreciated and is one of the best green sheds for its unique concept. It is made from white cedar which is a kind of special wood mainly used in building huge projects. This shed is also equipped with options for rainwater harvesting and other green processes.

2. The power shed

The power shed is really powerful in terms of the electricity it produces. This power shed is no similar to the traditional sheds but is more like a power machine which produces continuous energy. This cool shed is provided with solar panels in the form of arrays which can convert the solar energy into electric energy which can later be used for effective purposes. This special shed is designed by Chip and Clara Boggs and is being implemented at a rapid rate.

3. Buckminster fuller’s kind of shed

This is a cool shed design developed by the artist Dustin Feider. He actually made a circular stuff which he called Geo. This Geo is capable of facilitating a wide variety of activities. They can be made to use as garden in a vertical direction or can be effectively used to put a hammock into them. This cool shed can also be used as a source for rainwater harvesting and does every job quite smartly.

4. The salvaged shack

This shed is a perfect example of creativity and smartness with a touch of ultra-modernized technology. The best part of the shed is that it is completely made out of junk products and thus makes no harm to the environment and surrounding. In short this is a completely ecofriendly shed made out of junk items to make our environment and surrounding green. This salvaged shed was made by a man for his wife on their 10th wedding anniversary and has used 75% of salvaged materials to construct it. The shed is mostly made out of timber and is given a pretty good design.

5. Eco-shed

The ecofriendly things are more famous than any other form because they are mostly made out of recycled products and usually don’t affect the environment in any way. This shed is one of such ecoproduct and is known for its awesome design and cool structure. This awesome eco shed is made by James Glave. He made this for his own house and it almost cost him around $100,000 for this super-functional green shed. It is the best example to show the world how much we care for it and the ways we are adopting to make it green.

6. The Zephyr

The Zephyr is one of the coolest and greenest shed made till date. This is not just an ordinary shed but it is more like a new age trendy and gorgeous shed which can be used for plenty of operations. This shed is developed by Glenn Littleford and it combines few natural processes of producing energy. The shed is made along with a wind turbine and solar panels mounted on the shed. These both Eco-friendly ways of generating energy produces significant amount of energy during all seasons.

7. The Recycled Dogshed

The recycling of products is fun as it lets you known the ways it can be transformed into something useful and efficient. One such product is this shed which is completely made out of recycled products. This one is actually a Dogshed which is especially designed by the artist named Chelsea Bandy. This shed is made out of plywood scraps and tiles which the artist collected from junk areas and from few showrooms.

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