The air pollution is one of the major sources which is degrading our environment at a large level. This air pollution not only includes the pollution caused by the automobiles and other outdoor sources, but also the indoor activities do create air pollution and affect our surrounding. Some of these are very common activities and need to be checked so that we make our surrounding more greener.
These activities performed at home can be easily prevented by taking few effective steps. Here is a list of seven sources that create indoor air pollution.
1. Radon
Radon is a highly radioactive element that emits radiations which causes pollution in air and affects the surroundings. This element produces harmful gas which is hard to feel as it has no smell and also has no color and taste. Another harmful effect is that its long exposure only causes problems and the short exposure is hard to feel. That means we probably might be inhaling radon at times and this radon in excess might cause lung cancer also. The radon level can be checked in house by using tools which are easily available in the market.
2. Environmental Tobacco Smoke (Secondhand Smoke)
The smoke is one of the major reasons for indoor air pollution as the smoke coming out of cigarette contains harmful gases which cause problems to people surrounding you and also to the surrounding. It is believed that the person who inhales this smoke of a cigarette is more affected than the one who actually is smoking. So try to avoid passive smoking. Air purifiers can be used to remove the tobacco smoke easily.
3. Biological Sources
The biological sources are other major reasons for the high indoor air pollution. These can be the small insects or the mold, pets that can be a source of indoor pollution. A dirty surrounding will ultimately increase these biological sources and in turn will increase the pollution in the house. This pollution source has no way to get rid of but you can still try keeping your house clean as it might result in least pollution. Air purifiers can also be used to get rid of these air dust particles.
4. Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monooxide is a major source of pollution be it an indoor pollution or the outdoor pollution. In indoor activities, it is mainly caused due to the smoke and the gas stoves which emits a large quantity of carbon monooxide into the environment and causes various health and mental problems. Some of the other sources that emit CO are chimneys and furnaces. Higher levels of CO might result in headaches, nausea and various other problems. There is no way of preventing this source of pollution. All you can do is to eradicate the sources that produce CO.
5. Pesticides
Pesticides are a type of chemical that is mainly used in fields to kill the organisms. These days the pesticides are used in the form of chemicals to kill micro organisms that surround the house and inside the house. These pesticides are more effective that the micro-organisms. These pesticides get into your lungs when you breathe or can go through your mouth via food or any other way and can cause health problems. Only way of getting out of this is to avoid using it in houses.
6. Asbestos
Asbestos is a chemical substance that is used in the construction of house as it offers fire resistivity and higher durability. These particles are so small in size that they can be easily inhaled without even getting notice of it. This inhaled asbestos chemical substance can alter the functioning of your organs and can result into serious health problems. Today many forms of these asbestos are banned by government but still private construction builders are making use of it as its readily available and is cheap. It produces immediate symptoms and a long run can result into various cancers in your body. But you need not bother if you have asbestos in your house. There are various air purifiers are available in market that can bring down the level of asbestos in air to almost zero.
7. Organic gases
These are one of the most common sources of indoor air pollution. These organic gases are less harmful but continuous exposure to it in long run would result in health problems. There are various sources of organic gases like smoke out of stove, printers, paint, pesticides and much more. These things produce some quantity of organic gases that are pretty much harmful when inhaled for a longer period. It causes health problems like headache, nausea, eyes and nose irritation and in long run might cause cancer too. The only way to deal with these is to use a particular air purifier that kills these gases. Such purifiers are readily available in market.