The ‘Power Purse’ solves your daily woes!

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Brainchild Joe Hynek has always been well-received by eco-conscious fashion websites, and this time the genius has created another powerful thing called the Solarjo Power Purse! The handbag was designed in a competition of an experimental garment design class. The black, rectangular purse is covered with laminated solar panels, which resemble a very thin camera film separated by white lines. Clear plastic handles top the handbag. It’s built in USB port is the conduit between the solar power and the gadget that requires charging. The bag is designed in a way that it can sit on a windowsill and charge while you’re at work and is resilient to scratches and punctures.

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It’s amazing as this expresses ecological and environmental themes in addition to the function provided of charging your phone, iPod, voice recorders and small cameras. The bag only needs two hours of full sunlight to charge a mobile phone battery, also there is an extra padding in the purse for protection and a zipper for security. The estimated cost is £150 as Hynek didn’t want it to be an elitist item. This surely will be an eye candy for the tech-savvy women and thanks to the designer’s low cost gimmick; cutting edge fashion has become cheap!

Via: Dailymail

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