NEL & Nanimaquina’s Global Warming Rug makes waves!

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Barcelona-based rug company, Nanimaquina, along with Mexican design collective, NEL, will showcase their latest offering, “A Global Warming Rug”, at this year’s International Furniture Festival in Valencia, Spain (23rd-27th Sept. 08). The rug depicts a polar bear trapped on a melting ice floe, a hapless victim of global warming.

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Made of 100% wool along with a stand up felt bear, the rug sends out a powerful image regarding the consequences of global warming and the dire need to act and avert this tragedy.

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It’s an innovative step on the part of Nanimaquina and NEL, worthy of accolade and applause. Traditionally, carpet designs are linked to particular cultures and themes. Now, with their help, the plight of the world and its creatures take centre stage on this tapestry of promise.

via: Designboom

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