While we all want to be healthier, it shouldn’t come at the cost of our planet’s health. While numerous natural plant- and animal-based treatments have become popular, farming or harvesting them sustainably has not always followed.
The discovery of krill oil was an important improvement of the already-popular fish oil, as it provided a more optimized ability to deliver the same health benefits. Best of all, krill can be harvested in smaller numbers and with greater effect.
The sustainability of this crustacean is a major part of the importance of krill oil to the future of health supplements.
The Eco-Friendly Krill
With the omega-3 content in being more bioavailable, it is better-absorbed by the body for more efficient krill oil dosage compared to that of fish oil. While not as much krill is required per dose, the fact that krill oil is continuously growing in popularity raises the question of “How much is too much to harvest?”
Luckily, the harvesting of krill oil in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica is monitored by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The best krill oil supplements only use krill oil harvested under the close observation of this regulatory group.
Vessels in the fisheries of the Southern Ocean are allotted a certain percentage to harvest of the estimated total biomass of krill. This is calculated to safe amounts by the CCAMLR then decreased further in order to be particularly cautious. Krill is a keystone species of its food web, meaning that its depletion would cause a near-collapse of its entire ecosystem.
With this in mind, the CCALMR works diligently with krill oil fishers to ensure krill levels are not damaged by the harvesting. Updates to the levels of krill are made in real-time throughout the fishing season.
According to the CCALMR, it “also maintains a network of stations where information is collected on other components of the Antarctic ecosystem to monitor change. This program, the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP), was established in 1989. The information collected under this initiative contributes to CCAMLR’s efforts to develop what is called a ‘Krill Feedback Management procedure’ which will help inform decisions regarding acceptable total precautionary levels of krill harvest.”
By marking an acceptable limit of krill harvesting, then allowing a maximum harvest amount below that limit, the krill industry can ensure that krill supplies do not diminish from overfishing. Maintaining a stable population of krill benefits the consumer as well. Prices do not fluctuate rapidly in the cost of krill, so products prices are able to stay relatively low from year to year.
Krill Oil for Your Health
As krill oil continues to gain popularity over fish oil, people are becoming more aware of the benefits. This is especially true with the influx of clinical studies espousing its particular benefits become more and more numerous.
Beyond its eco-friendly nature and sustainability, krill oil promotes optimal health, making it the supplement of the future. Here are some of the most profound benefits of krill oil on your health.
1. Healthy Fats
Krill oil is full of essential omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA. While fish oil also contains these beneficial omega-3s, those found in krill oil are much easier for your body to absorb and use. The DHA and EPA in krill oil are attached to phospholipids, as opposed to triglycerides, which makes absorption into the bloodstream quicker.
The enhanced bioavailability of the omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil means that your health gets boosted quicker too. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for mental health as well as the prevention of serious diseases.
2. Fight Inflammation
The omega-3 fatty acids in krill oil help prevent and fight inflammation. Chronic inflammation is common as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress and is also a major player in many serious diseases. The enhanced bioavailability of the omega-3s in krill oil makes it ideal for fighting inflammation quickly and efficiently.
Krill oil also contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. Studies have shown that the regular consumption of krill oil reduced the presence of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, consequently lowering your risk for serious disease as well.
3. Better Heart Health
Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA, are known to boost heart health. Krill oil has much richer omega-3 content than fish oil despite their substantially smaller size. Krill oil has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels as well as other blood fats, thereby reducing your risk for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Accumulation of fats in blood cause plaques to form, which block circulation and damage arteries.
If left untreated, your risk for cardiovascular diseases increases as does your risk of premature death. Krill oil supplements, therefore, promote heart health and reduce the risk factors known to cause heart diseases.
4. Diabetes Management
Krill oil was found to have an unexpected effect on diabetes management because of its impact on insulin resistance. Krill oil improves insulin resistance and thus contributes to healthier blood sugar levels. Not only can this prevent the development of diabetes, but it makes it easier to manage blood sugar levels for those who are already diabetic.
5. Prevent Joint Pain
Because krill oil reduces inflammation, it serves as a natural remedy for inflammatory-related diseases such as arthritis. Krill oil supplements significantly reduce the levels of inflammatory markers known to cause arthritis and joint pain. With regular consumption, krill oil can relieve joint pain and swelling and improve mobility and movement.
6. Manage PMS Symptoms
Many of the symptoms of PMS are caused by inflammation and the omega-3 content of krill oil is ideal for reducing this problem. Studies have found that taking krill oil for PMS symptoms provides relief comparable to or more effective than the leading prescriptions.
In fact, many women no longer needed pain medications once they began a regimen of krill oil supplements. With some medications having adverse side effects after prolonged use, krill oil serves as a safer and more natural alternative to pain management.
The Bottom Line
Krill oil has quickly become a top choice for supplemental health. With more attention being given to these tiny creatures, it has become necessary to provide them with protection. Without this, we are in danger of depleting our resources and ultimately depleting our health.
As the industry continues to grow, it only becomes more important to promote sustainable harvesting practices. Choosing krill oil supplements that are sustainably harvested helps these tiny creatures can continue to do big things for your health.
Article Submitted By Community Writer