Tata Nano to go pro-eco with optional air-powered engine!

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I suppose I need not really introduce Tata Nano to anyone out there as it has made enough of a stir already from Mumbai to New York and Delhi to Geneva. It has quite simple made automobile industry get its act together when it comes to pricing a car and that is wonderful from a consumer point of view. Anyway for still not aware Nano is a car from Indian firm Tata that would sell at $2500! But all that apart, we are here to look at the new green feature that Nano could offer to people once it hits the road.

In addition to the 33hp (25kW) petrol version, Tata is expected to release an air-powered model running a compressed air engine from MDI Enterprises. The engine emits one-third the carbon dioxide of conventional motors of the same size. Cold air, compressed in tanks to 300 times atmospheric pressure, is heated and fed into the cylinders of a piston engine. No combustion takes place, so technically there is no pollution actually produced by the car. But the compression of gases might still do that.

Even then the new engine is an absolute boon to the planet and hopefully all those buying this car will buy one with this type of an engine to power it. A Nano featuring the air-powered engine would be able to travel up to 200km for just $3 worth of electricity. This will also please the environmentalists who have been worried about more pollution since the Nano hit production. Tata has no official word on this yet, but it is just a matter of time.


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