Eco friendly Hindu temples help reduce carbon footprints along with worldly sufferings

hindutemp4 M5Bwm 5784 Hindu religion, on the whole, believes in worshiping Sun as the first and foremost ritual of the day. And it isn’t surprising to know that some of the Hindu temples are outfitted to make the best of this supreme power. The latest to fall under this category is the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir and Cultural Center in California. Though not based in India, this temple has taken noteworthy green steps to reduce the carbon prints by running on solar power, reducing energy consumption and planting ample of trees (400 species of trees to be precise). The temple is going to gain from a 60kW grid-tied solar power system supplied by GoGreenSolar. And since 60kW is more than they need so the excess power will be sent to the local grid for distribution. hindutemp1 vrfVp 5784 It is estimated that this should help reduce CO2 emissions by 1,550 tones, which is the equivalent of planting 62,244 trees, over a period of 25 years. Also the temple will make use of the new solar tube lighting system that will eliminate the use of light bulbs during the day and will drastically cut on power consumption. hindutemp2 oXDoy 5784 Built on a 20 acre-site, northeast of the 71 Freeway, between Monte Vista and Central Avenues and scheduled to open soon, this large socio-spiritual Hindu organization, with 3,300 centers and 55,000 volunteers worldwide attempts to address spiritual, moral and social challenges and issues faced by the world hindutemp3 WX85K 5784 And this isn’t the first of its kind, as the world’s largest solar kitchen has been installed by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and Academy for a Better World. Via Inhabitat

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