Going green is the need of the hour. Increase in knowledge about Science and Technology has a lot of advantages but also many disadvantages. The main disadvantage is their effect on our environment and planet. Trees are cut, harmful chemicals and gases are released in the environment and natural resources are being used without any limits. The result is increasing pollution, green house effects and rapid depletion of natural resources. Unless some alternative solutions are found for these problems, they are going to grow constantly. Countries all over the world are finding out ways to introduce eco friendly products for their day-to-day use. This is happening on a large scale, but you, as an inhabitant of this planet, can do a few things to help the earth become a greener place to live in. Begin with the home that you stay in. There are some points given below how you can generate energy by eco friendly means and help save the world.
Stationary bike with power generator
Are you a fitness freak? Do you ride the stationary bike daily? Then, here is a way in which you can do your daily exercise and be able to generate some power too at the same time. Attach a power generator to your stationary bike. There are many do-it-yourself kits available in the market. They have step-by-step instructions to explain the exact manner in which you can attach the generator to the bike. If you don’t have the time for all this stuff, you can always contact a professional and get this done. Or you can also purchase a complete assembled unit too. So, while you have your morning exercise, you can also power an electric turbine while pedaling even at a moderate rate. You can use this energy to power your iPod or mp3 player and listen to music while you burn some calories.
Solar panels:
If your house is situated at a place where you get enough sunlight throughout the day, then you can make use of the sun’s energy to generate power. Installing solar panels on your rooftops will help in trapping the sun’s rays. This energy can then be used to light up the bulbs and tubes in your house, to heat water, for cooking and such other activities. Another use of these solar panels is that they act as insulators and help to keep the temperature inside your house normal. There are many devices too that use solar energy to work like chargers etc. So, instead of using alkaline batteries that increase waste, use these eco friendly chargers.
Water energy:
If you have a river or a stream flowing by your house, it is ideal to harness the energy of water and convert it into electricity to run your house. This can be done by installing hydroelectric turbines to convert water energy into electricity. These turbines have to be installed where the flow of the water is fastest, like along bends. But, if you are not an expert on this, you can always consult someone before beginning with your project.
Eco friendly flashlights:
Another method in which you can have your own energy is by using flashlights with mounted cranks. No alkaline batteries are required in order to run them and as a result a lot of solid waste can be prevented from being collected. Just turn the crank with your hands and you will have a strong beam of light to brighten your way. Another advantage is that the flashlight will keep working as long as you keep cranking it and so even in emergencies you will never be in the dark.
Biogas generators:
Another method in which you can have your own energy is by using flashlights with mounted cranks. No alkaline batteries are required in order to run them and as a result a lot of solid waste can be prevented from being collected. Just turn the crank with your hands and you will have a strong beam of light to brighten your way. Another advantage is that the flashlight will keep working as long as you keep cranking it and so even in emergencies you will never be in the dark.
Wind energy:
Just as you can harness the sun’s energy, you can also tap wind energy. You can install wind turbines on the rooftop in order to harness this energy. This will depend a lot on how strong the wind is. If it blows real fast you will be able to generate more energy. But even a little energy now can help save a lot of energy later.
Save energy:
The simplest way of generating energy in your home is by saving the energy that you use. Switch off all the lights and fans when not in use, use the thermostat carefully and keep the thermostat down in winters and up in summers etc. More energy you save, more energy you generate for yourself.