Self-charging Toto Eco-Power Automated Sensor Faucet

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Designed by the Japanese company Toto, the Eco-Power Sensor Faucet is an automated bath fitting that allows you to activate water flow simply by putting your hands underneath it. The technology allows users in sensitive fields like medical professions, food and catering businesses, and germ-conscious people in general to have their hands as clean as possible thanks to minimum interaction with the fittings. The best part about the fitting is that it generates its own energy through a small turbine that uses integrated water flowing through the pipeline and then stores the energy in a battery to power the sensory technology. The system is so efficient that it can fully charge its batteries with just five hand washes a day. Of course you’ll have to dish out around a $1000 for it, but it’s totally worth it I say!

Source: Domokyo

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