Gregory Siegal’s recycled Coffee Clock: Eco Simplicity!

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In today’s world it is not very common to find the simple and elegant stuff as everyone is aiming to create something larger than life and very fancy. Yet the joy of making something that is not very flashy and yet very appealing is unmatched. Sometimes it is the simple stuff that gives you the greatest joy in life. The Coffee Clock designed by Gregory Siegal might appear to be one such simple and serene delights of life, but there is a complex twist in all it that does not meet the eye.

This clock was created using parts from a discarded French press, a small alarm clock, and a coffee mug. The project was an exploration of the meaning of the form of products in relation to their function. Inspired by the simplicity of the interaction of a French press, the designer’s aim was to create a product of equal sparseness in both form and interface. Yet there is a wonderful twist to this whole story, something that actually does not meet the eye of the untrained observer.
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The hole in the woven metal aligns with one of the twelve holes of the metal plate behind it on every hour. That is mechanical precision for you. I have a Coffee Mug that looks exactly like this one, all white, and it is nice to see this green innovation which is so simple by being so subtle with its complexity!


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