Sculpture Garden houses exceptional works of art out of thrash

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Art and Trash, these two words don’t seem to belong to the same dictionary. But the Sculpture Garden at SF Recycling & Disposal has managed to combine these two together under one roof with style. Believed to be the only park located at a garbage company, this The garden is home to some of the larger pieces of art created by many of the artists who have participated in the Artist In Residence (AIR) Program over the years. A field of ivy and ice plant was transformed in to a 3-acre private sculpture garden on top of a hill overlooking San Francisco Bay in 1992 by Susan Steinman from SF Recycling & Disposal, Inc. The company provides selected local artists with the opportunity to create art using materials they gather from San Francisco’s refuse. This includes 24-hour access to a well-equipped studio, a monthly stipend, and an exhibit at the end of their residency, but artists seem most excited about having 24-hour access to the materials.

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This kinda art made from trash will encourage all to be less wasteful! When we don’t want or need things anymore, no matter how useful they are, we simply put them in our trash can or dumpster, or drop them off at the landfill. At this rate, the whole of America will soon become a landfill. But Art can creatively call attention to our wasteful, harmful, and unsustainable disposal practices by bringing trash into everyday life, and not allowing it simply to disappear into landfills, out of sight and consciousness. Those who see this potential for art and encourage its practice use similar tactics in different arenas to raise the public’s awareness and change individuals’ behavior.

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