Eco friendly concept: Keep pedaling to add juice to your Pedaled Powered Phone Call Service

In this day and age, even the toddlers (many of them) have a cell phone with them…just in case they need to call Mama and say “I’m hungry, gimme milk”. Ok maybe all tods don’t aren’t that privileged but apart from them, grown up kids, adults and oldies, all most all of them have a cell phone at their dispose. But if you live in that part of the world where cell phone is still a luxurious possession, then this idea of Pedaled Phone Calls can pedal in with ease. Just like the folks in Nicaragua have incorporated this in their lifestyle. In America the three wheeled bikes bring ice-creams, pop-corns, and hot dogs to us. But here the same kind of vehicle brings a pedal powered mobile to the people in need of making a call. The cherry on the icing is the eco-friendly concept of pedal power! 10 minutes of pedaling increases an hour of your battery life and also will burn your fats for a healthy life! Why didn’t I think of this to make some extra money this summer and get in shape too?

All you need is a car battery and an old computer battery backup UPS to convert the battery power to 110 volts. Dubbed as Llamadas Pedaleadas, this Pedaled Phone Calls provides the energetic entrepreneur the opportunity to literally go where the market is, be it a festival, a busy intersection, the big game. For those who have trouble getting around, the phone could come to them, as well. And the station charges batteries as the vendor drives around. Via Triplepundit

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