Abandoned gas station turns into a museum of recycled art project

abandoned gas station recycled art 5784
Driving past all those old abandoned gas stations, we do feel that they are a blot on the landscapes, right? But have you ever given it a thought further….or blissfully kept on driving ahead and leave it to others to think about. Well artist and environmental activist Jennifer Marsh didn’t do that. When the realization set on her that over 200,000 abandoned gas stations marring the landscape across America, she decided to some seriously cool makeover for the fifty-year-old station in Syracuse, NY. Her idea was widely accepted and worked on wholeheartedly by 2,370 students from 17 schools and also folks from Turkey to Costa Rica to Dallas. In all, people from 15 countries and 29 states lent a hand. More than 3,400 colorful panels were used to cover 5,000 square feet of vacant gas station with crocheted, knitted, stitched, patched, photographed, silk screened and collaged fiber panels.

Simply by designing and creating these panels and participating in this project all the participants got a chance to convey their concern about this world’s extreme dependency on oil to the rest of the world.


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