Open Source Software – Not only Free but Ecofriendly!

open source software ecofriendly

This era of technology can be termed as an ecofriendly era, as mostly all electronics giants and car makers have taken some green initiatives to make their products better if not worse for the environment. With computers going green, there has to be something similar for the software too.

Software does not harm the environment directly, but their development process and their marketing tactics does. Software comes packed in trendy covers made of plastic and are advertised by unnecessary printing. So how can software be made ecofriendly? The answer is simple – Go Open Source!

With Open Source model, you deliver the software directly to the users who can download it to their computers. This means you are not harming the environment by using packaging material that by no means can be termed ecofriendly. The software CDs or DVDs don’t need to be shipped to the customers door step, this way you are also not polluting the environment.

The development of open source software is very different from commercial software as it is in the hands of a few dedicated developers and the feedback of a dedicated community of users. This makes the process much faster and as lesser number of machines is required to develop this software so there is no power wastage.

We by no means are against commercial software, neither do we want you to go out and protest against commercial software, as no doubt commercial software offers you a world of applications you might never find on open source software, still we want to tell you that try using more open source software which you find good. Another added benefit that comes with open source software is that since it is free, no one would really want to buy a pirated version!


Via: 21st Century Citizen

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