LED powered Task Lamp – Flexible, modern and very green

task lamp amin FDwJM 5784

A decade back in grad school, I had purchased a halogen task lamp for my desk studies. However I was not content with it as it was too hot and the light was unbearable. Gave me an unwanted headache most of the times  So today when I came across this energy-efficient task lamp by Todd Rushing, I wanted to turn back the clock and resume (Resume only for the light sake……no more grueling studies) my studying days with this LED powered ultra adjustable Task Lamp. Feeding on less power, these small sized alternatives are resourcefully used in this lamp.

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Designed to give you full control of how you use the light, the main highlight of this lamp is that it uses multiple hinges to achieve motion in the horizontal and vertical directions. By using a pipe with an angled cut, the two halves can rotate from a 56 degree angle to a 180 degree straight. So you can focus at any point without much effort.

task lamp nN9C5 5784

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