iLand aims to provides renewable energy for nomadic expeditions


In an effort to reduce a campers reliance on polluting fossil fuels for nighttime illumination, iLand Green Technologies has come up with a concept autonomous solar unit christened the iLand. The portable solar-power pack comprises of different elements that provide an environmentally friendly source of power when on the move.


Weighing less than 10kgs, the system consists of two parts, a generator and a repository for a mat fitted with solar panels, which can be easily screwed together. The mat can be rolled out in situ and set up in the sun with a mounting. Once set, the solar cells can be connected to a generator to provide renewable energy. The energy generated by the system can be utilized for a variety of purposes such as powering a computer or charging a mobile phone.

The energy generated by the system is stored in a 200Wh battery, and can also be used to power LED bulbs. The basic kit will come equipped with four LED bulbs, two USB connectors, one universal cigarette lighter socket and eight LED lamp connectors.

Via: Red Dot/ iLand Green Technologies

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