How to Avoid Burnout As a Ruby ​​on Rails Developer

How to Avoid Burnout As a Ruby ​​on Rails Developer

Applications and products on RoR are used mainly in product companies. RoR specialists work in and lead IT departments. Therefore, they have to perform a variety of tasks. Burnouts for programmers in this specialization happen as often as for other developers. But it is worth considering the specifics of the work when choosing work in the office and remote Ruby on Rails developer jobs. We will tell you how to avoid burnout at work. 

Identify the main stressor

Burnout is caused by multiple factors. Everyone has their own. Someone, for example, can work normally in a noisy room, while someone needs a quiet secluded place. So let’s look at the main stress factors:

  • Deadlines – understanding that deadlines are running out takes a specialist out of a state of psychological balance. If this is your stress factor, determine for yourself the optimal time to complete tasks and voice it to management;
  • The constant switching between different tasks – try to plan work in such a way as to reduce the diversity of tasks, delegate part of the tasks to colleagues or subordinates;
  • The inability to find time for rest – the weekend is sacred, even if you work remotely, or freelance, be sure to have two days a week off;
  • Innovation stress – developers often experience stress from constantly learning new tools. Give yourself more time to master them, take a course, and ask for help from colleagues in your community;
  • Problems with teamwork – if you experience stress from working next to colleagues, try to find remote work, so you will communicate and come into contact with the irritant less.

There may be more than one stressor. Alas, until you work out each of them, burnout cannot be avoided. 


Everyone knows about this way to avoid burnout, but few people believe that it really helps. The optimal formula for planning a working day looks something like this:

50% work + 20% business communication (colleagues, managers, customers) + 30% for your leisure (hobbies, communication with friends, family).

Please note that during working hours you need to factor in commuting if you work in the office. If a programmer works remotely, they can adjust when it is more convenient for them to work. Some write code at a lightning speed at night, others are better at thinking during the day. Be sure to consider your type of activity so that you use optimal hours when planning. 

Set boundaries

This is true for everyone, whether working in Salesforce dev jobs or with any other technology. Managers and bosses have a habit of pulling IT department employees when it suits them. If you are distracted every time from your main job, then burnout will come even faster than that of programmers in development companies.

Set clear boundaries for your responsibilities. The sooner employees understand the scope of your direct responsibilities, the easier it will be for you to work.

The same goes for remote or freelance developers. Working from home doesn’t give your bosses or clients the right to think that your work day is 24 hours a day. Do not respond to messages outside business hours, or on the weekends, but be sure to notify managers and customers about this.

Burnout is an epidemic that is spreading rapidly among programmers. Your task is to do everything to prevent it from affecting you too.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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