High school students build solar-powered electric boat

tropheus solar powered electric boat by royalton h

Eco Factor: Zero-emission boat powered by solar energy.

A team of design engineering students at the Royalton High School have crafted a sustainable zero-emission boat that is powered by onboard solar panels. Christened Tropheus, the boat was made from the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society’s annual solar regatta.

tropheus solar powered electric boat by royalton h

The boat received first place trophy for innovative design and took a second place trophy in the experimental performance category. The body of the boat was built using a fiberglass mold that was designed by the student team but built by the Larson Boat Company.

tropheus solar powered electric boat by royalton h

The deck, 100 inches long and 70 inches wide has been made from aluminum tubing, foam and fiberglass. The zero-emission boat is propelled by two electric motors that are remote controlled. Onboard batteries are charged by a photovoltaic solar panel placed in the spoiler. Tropheus also features digital gauges, GPS, rear and front view cameras and an updraft ventilation system that pulls cool air from water surface.

Via: Brainerd Dispatch

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