New solar technology changes the way we collect our solar energy

graphene organic photovoltaic cell manufacturing p

Eco Factor: Researchers develop Graphene OPV to collect solar energy.

Researchers at the University of South California’s Viterbi School of Engineering have developed new graphene organic photovoltaic sheets that could change the way we collect our solar energy. The method involved in producing these sheets is both easy and cost effective.

It involves mixing of methane and hydrogen gases to form graphene deposits on a nickel plate. A thermo plastic layer is applied to collect graphene whereas nickel is dissolved in an acid bath. The highly conductive and transparent graphene is attached to a flexible polymer sheet, which is layered into an OPV cell.

The OPV sheets, which according to the researchers are cost effective, flexible and light weight with a large potential for mass production can be used for varied applications including at home.

The only drawback is its relative inefficiency when compared to silicon cells. The graphene OPV can produce only 1.3 watts of electricity from 1000 watts of solar energy directed on a square meter of space compared to 14 watts generated by silicon cells under similar conditions.

Via: TreeHugger

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