Helpful tips for setting up your organic garden


These days many health and environment conscious individuals are turning towards organic foods. Organic produce are cultivated without using pesticides and fertilizers. The absence of chemicals and toxins make organic produce healthier. The commercial cultivation of organic produce costs more money and thatโ€™s why you too have to dole out more for buying these items.

man holding dollars sign

It is far more cost effective to set up an organic garden and produce at least some of the vegetables and fruits your family consumes regularly in the backyard. You cannot use chemical fertilizers or pesticides but there are more eco-friendly substitutes which you can use. In the following, some of the best tips for setting up organic garden have been discussed.

Start by preparing the soil

father and son gardening

Soil is the source of nutrition for the plants and thatโ€™s why it is absolutely necessary for you to start by preparing the soil. Test your soil using a soil testing kit or take a sample of the soil to your nearest agricultural extension office. They will not only analyze the sample soil but also guide you on how to nurture it and prepare it for organic farming. Try to increase the humus content of your soil by mixing compost, leaves, grass clippings and manure together and then adding it to the soil.

Find the right plants

ย Small Plant

It is essential that you pick plants suitable for the climate and the soil quality of your locality. It would be mistake to think that any tree or plant will thrive in your garden. Start by planting common veggies that are available in your local markets first. When you have learnt to nurture them only then think about planting exotic trees, shrubs and plants. You may follow the guidelines of USDAโ€™s Hardiness Zone. Visit the Local Farmerโ€™s Market where you will find many different types of locally grown plants and seeds.

Create wide beds for grouping

ย Small-scale farmers

Grouping works well when you want to raise same type of plants together as crop in your backyard. You should plant in spaces where you donโ€™t trade often. It is best to build a raised platform for grouping the plants. Grouping reduces wastage of water and compost. Leave sufficient space between two rows of plants for air circulation.


Organic gardening is a eco-friendly and healthy hobby which will help you in saving money and serving nutritious meals to your family.

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