Go green peeing on compost heaps!

compost heaps

Want to manure your garden? Then pee on that compost heaps to help save water! The Conservative Party chairman, Francis Maude is urging the nation with this unorthodox gardening advice to help the environment.

Francis said, If I share a tip with the audience it is that if you pee on your compost, it has a double environmental whammy – it speeds up its decomposition so you can get it on the garden more quickly, and it also saves water.

Urine contains potash and nitrogen, and these make it a rich fertilizer. And to add to its richness, urine contains urea, which helps to speed chemical reactions involved in breaking down organic material, Bob Flowerdew, of the Gardeners’ Question Time panel argues. So, manure your garden early by peeing on your compost heaps.

Via: The Observer

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