EPEAT sells gold for greener electronics

Everyday we hear about some or the other solution for green computing with numerous efficient ways cited as solutions to conserve the extra power that your desktops consumes, which could be used otherwise. Then again, the mind is flicked back to the same perplexing question, what is an eco-friendly computer? Yes, several components of the PC could be constructed with greener solutions, but there are so many technological components that go into the making of the computer that it’s almost impractical to envisage of a completely green computer.

EPEAT (Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool), a tool that helps consumers recognize eco-friendly computer equipment, was an addition to the environmental friendly IT solution made towards the end of last year. Stickers to make computing green would have sounded weird at first, but with the amount of investment and wit employed, they had to deliver – and now when the results of its first 6 months of use are out – the manufacturers can proudly boast of their green success.

How long will the product last? Can it be recycled? And, does it meet other environmental standards? Are a few questions on account of which EPEAT categorizes electronic equipment with a bronze, silver and gold rating. So far, only two computers have been rated EPEAT gold, while other manufactures strive for the foremost sticker – in the rat-race, to gain that tag – to be recognized as an environmentally preferable product.

Presently EPEAT applies to computers and laptops but soon will cover other electronics as well. EPEAT certified computers have been very efficient in the latter bit of the year 2006 alone, when compared with the non-certified ones, saving up to – 13.7 billion kWh of electricity, 56.5 million metric tons of air pollution, 118,000 metric tons of water pollution also help evade disposal of 41,100 metric tons of hazardous waste. This program seems to be working well, with more and more manufacturers longing for the certification, it may not be long before a new and higher grade is required to be introduced.

[Source: Ecogeek]

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