A sneak preview of the first World of WearableArt entry


Green revolution is quickly gathering momentum and slowly but surely, it is extending its reach over the fashion-world, too. Dresses made from recycled clothes are slowly becoming common and why not, these are high on oomph-scale besides being ‘green. The awards ceremony for WearableArt entry is still a couple of months away. For now all we have for you is this sneak preview of the first World of WearableArt entry.

The dress was displayed by former Miss Universe and Dancing With the Stars winner Lorraine Downes and was created by a New Zealand fabric artist Susan Holmes who is a previous World of WearableArt supreme award winner.

The outfit has been designed from a fencing wire, a headpiece made of woven flax basket and the bodice has been created from a recycled lampshade. The headpiece is so light that Ms. Downes had to hold her on top of her head to prevent it from being blown away in a stiff Wellington breeze.

The garment will be a part of the World of WearableArt show that commences in Wellington on September 20; the dress will accompany 9 other designs in the show.

Via: Stuff

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