Electronic Smog: No Escaping It!

research shows that electronic smog is major cause

It’s all around us. It is affecting our system. We cannot feel, hear or see it. We cannot live without it. It is an important part of our lives.

We use electronic items on day to day basis and such items according to a study by a team of scientists at Imperial College London’s Centre for Environmental Policy,, exposure to invisible electronic smog can have detrimental effects on our respiratory system.

Electromagnetic waves are emitted through television, radio, and microwave. It is omnipresent. The computer that I am working right now, emits, such waves too.

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The study suggests that everyday electronic items create a magnetic field around them and can affect human body in the form of respiratory diseases.

Today, when each one us is dependant on such items, this report is cause of great worry as the levels of the smog will go on increasing with advances in technology.

In an earlier finding too scientists were aware of the enormous effect of electronic smog. From depression to cancer to miscarriages; it has become a curse to the modern life.

Electronic smog gets into us. Research shows that electric field charges minute particles in the air and these when inhaled, stick on to our lungs, causing severe problems.

Electric and magnetic fields can cause a much larger damage to the body system,
Further research is still going on to confirm, how. Larger the electric field, the more it will hamper body’s natural biofield. It may even result in premature death!

Although researches have been going on for the past 50 years, today because of the advanced technology, the problems can be much grave. This report only adds more credibility to it.

Source: Celsias

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