Change your lawn into more than just a Kitchen garden

edible estate 1

Grow the food you want to eat in your lawn. The concept of edible estates is to utilize personal lawns to grow organic food. The idea is to use any unused land to grow vegetables in most local way. In this case lawns are better used as believed by Fritz Haeg who came up with this idea for US homes.

edible estae changed a boring lawn into a farm ful

This architect with a ‘green vision’ believes that lawns in US are wasted than used. With so much land getting wasted the existence of regional biodiversity is in question. Moreover he strongly believes that the food we get at markets is made more for convenience of transport than convenience of health and taste.

Turning lawns into mini farms he believes will connect people with nature. They will have better understanding of the natural cycles. And the plain look of the neat green grass would be replaced by bio diversity all in front of you eyes; a better way to connect to the nature.

A true environmentalist at heart, he sees maintenance of lawns, an effort wasted as it is a high price paid for the environment. An hour with the push mower produces pollution equivalent to driving a car for 350 miles!
To keep the lawn green thousands of gallons of water is wasted annually.

Fritz’s brain child edible estate is part of the garden lab, which supports ecology based initiatives in art and design.

Via: Hautenature

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